Packers Unscripted: Bracing for the Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Unscripted: Bracing for the Bears

Mike and Wes preview the game in Chicago, beginning with the historical implications (:25) and the quarterback situations for both teams (1:52). They also examine the Bears’ running game (3:20) and struggling defense (8:11), as well as the Packers’ keys to victory (12:46) and other key games around the NFL in Week 13 (19:47).

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I'm Going Supersonic

Season is over. Love looked great out there though!

    O J Paige

    Not yet

Teri Giese

Let Love start!Give Rodgers time to heal!💚💛

David Nowicki

What is a “catbird seat”? I get the gist of the term, but what is a “catbird”, and what does its “seat” have to do with anything?

dj bradshaw

it doesn’t matter how many points we score ….our defense will give up more

dj bradshaw

NEWS FLASH !!! ….. they will run all over this defense

Michael Zimmermann

The weakest link of this team is the defense with it’s generational softies from the college ranks and over hyped veterans that don’t know how to play defense .

Michael Zimmermann

Pathetic defense with no pride it’s embarrassing to see them in Packers uniforms , they should be traded to the bears or the browns but not be allowed here .

Michael Griego

Fields full participant todays practice. He’ll probably suit up

Ayaan Ali

We will lose


This has become an interesting and unfortunately, unexpected rebuild year, offense is trending in the right direction, defense needs to be remolded in the off-season but Packers can still end season as the most winningest franchise and some momentum going into next year. Let’s beat the Bears, Go Pack Go!

Saul Orosco

Oh it’s a doozy😝 even jlo can beat em get it Jordan love 😂 let AROD rest this week 🙏

Chadro Donni

Detroit vs Jacksonville is an interesting cross division matchup too.

Romero R

Packers…TACKLE! Please


Lol.. we know y’all got a job to do.. but just wrap up this season. It was over 3 games ago

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