Packers Post-Game Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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So proud of my packers GO PACK GOπŸ§€

Johnny Boy

Hopefully Watson, Nijman, and Nixon are fine πŸ™

    Warren Ivie

    Til they fall down again


    Man Watson was on his way to another 100+ game.


    @Blkyyk21t I really think Aaron trusts him now, he kept going to him


    @ProfPolish he definitely does. Watson is the clear #1 of this offense. I mean they looked mediocre as soon as he went out. Just gotta shake those injuries and get healthy for next week.

Guru K

Tua gifted the game…. Aaron made some bad calls but TUA, my gr8 santa TUA covered and made up for all the blunders which Aaron made… Lucky US ! Go Pack go!!!

But man, Aaron man, do not go for 40+ 60+ yard miracles when u r 4th down 1 yard short…. wat the heck…. Guy makes some timely blunders, time and again.

    scarzandy !!!

    Congratulations on your guys win


    I think he’s really started to see Watson as a weapon and he wants to push the defense back. I also think he was worried about a shootout. I totally agree with you though they need to play situational ball.

    Ivan Vikktor

    Who won?

Julien Alexander

Mannn what a day!

Julius Cameron

Time for Wyatt to take over majority of dean lowry snaps. GREAT WIN FELLAZ GO PACK GO !!!πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

    brett nivinski

    He was key. Thought Slayton played big also.

    Julius Cameron

    @brett nivinski facts slayton as well.

Brett Rogers

Starts at 8:10

Warren Ivie

MLF , we were fortunate enough to get a lot of TO, this does not change the fact that the Def Coor, your buddy, has to go after the season…..if you think differently then you need to go with him!

    Glocksx 🀍

    I want Michael Zimmer as the new DC

Vincent Scomolla



Packers win today is uplifting

David Shafer

So you’re telling me there’s a chance……..

    Nolan Riley

    Yes !

Lew-Tang Presents

Let’s freaking go!

Ali Yahu

Why no conversation about the constant PI happening to our recievers but not being called? Let’s also talk about the clock. It supposed to stop until next play when a player runs out of bounce. Why does the clock stops for 5 seconds then starts before next play? Why doesn’t GB comment on any of these? It’s as fake as WWE

    When The Mask Falls

    They refs were letting them play. There was no egregious PI that was missed.

    India Supports Trump WWG1WGA

    not fake…scripted! smh.

    Ali Yahu

    @India Supports Trump WWG1WGA what’s the difference

    Ali Yahu

    @When The Mask Falls says you. I saw at least 3 different replays where pi was blatant

Arin Sauls

I’m lost. Who’s OG? Cussing?

Daniel Severson

Great they won, but in no way are they ready for the post season!

Sloppy play, missed tackles, blown assignments, dropped passes.
And bye far the biggest can’t stop a snail running the football!

No excuses for injuries! 16 on IR in 2010 and the packers won the Superbowl while losing 2 more starters by halftime! Next one up!

Dave Watts

You beat Miami
So has everyone else
Still not a playoff team

    Rick Brewer

    Ooops, isn’t Miami 8-7 with two thousand yard WR!

Absolute Death

#29 πŸ’ͺπŸ§€

Alan-Michael Bergman

I find it interesting the the YouTube page didn’t single handedly post this Rasul part as it’s own video. Almost like they didn’t want people to fully see that supposedly Joe Barry was full on cussing his defense. But then again, it’s football.

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