Packers must stop Trubisky to shift towards playoffs | Final Thoughts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
K1llez 4 fun

Oh no not Mitch Trubisky boys this gonna be a tough one


    K1llez 4 fun lolllll

14 Rey0310

Go pack go

Packer Power

Let’s destroy the Bears!


    Packer Power yesss

    The Chicken Nugget Fam

    Go pack go

    enTer ZoNe

    Lets pack them up..📦

Daniel Cha

its crazy how the packers have yet to play a full, complete game and have a chance, with a win sunday, to have their best record since 2014, possibly since 2011. This team may not win games by 20+ points, but it wins games

Doc Tar

Looks like perfect conditions for a December game at Lambeau.  Frozen Tundra all day, Sunday.


Oh no so scared

14 Rey0310

We are going bear hunting 🏈🧀

DDS Football


Hector Rodriguez

Defense better stop Mitchell

John Wayne Everett

200 200 GAMES THIS ONE AS ….THE FIRST IS FOR A CHAMPION SHIP …We get this one we will be champs of the north …you know the champ ship that was taken from us,,, lock n load we are going to war ….You get paid to destroy the bear team …time to go to work …. YES We know … Its time to play the game …Play Have Fun Enjoy With Your Family on this game day that we packer many choose to act As if it were our life was at stake ….to fill Top of the Top Bottom of the Bottom ….One of those feelings are at the end …for deep down in my soul I am going out to play in front of not thousands but MILLIONS …YES MILLIONS OF FEELINGS I KNEW IN REAL LIFE THE LOST of a Sister ….;Brother ….. so to take theses feelings , And use them on the field of play EVERY EDGE ….BUT over the years Our Packer family n team has done as , always is play the game fair … cheap shots…. ya its just a game but this game day FAMILY wants too be on the field with my family as millions do also to forget all the bad in life …PLAY A GAME OF FOOTBALL ..YES THE SWEAT DROPS OF BLOOD ON THE FIELD IS REAL DEAL AND SO IS THIS DAY …the bears have no respect for us NEVER HAVE ..STAY LOW ….HEAD UP …..STAY HOME ………….SACK PACK .. OFF…TIME TO TURN ON THE AFTERBURNERS PIT BULL ON A PORK CHOP …..GODZILLA ON BAMI …..WATCH THE NOSE OF THE FOOTBALL …SLANTS POP PASSES ….ITS GOING TO BE OUR FINEST DAY …THIS ONE FOR BART STAR TO HONOR ALL THE NAMES ON THE PACKER LIST ….MILLIONS WE ARE FAMILY..GO PACK GO””’GOI

777d7777 777d7777

Go Pack Go !!!!

Auto pilot 001

The beginning of the video lol

aaron berhane

I’m so scared lol

Zavion Edwards

Go pack go

mindless monk

#12 this is your time

Tyki Mikk804

Go Pack Go

•TopKop81 •

I hope Rodgers get injured


    Chris Garrett

    I hope Turdbiscuit breaks his clavicle and gets exposed as the garbage Qb that he really is 😂😂😂🧀🧀🧀

•TopKop81 •


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