Packers Daily: Rodgers returns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Daily: Rodgers returns

Wes Hodkiewicz discusses the return of Aaron Rodgers and his colossal career in this edition of Packers Daily.

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That One Packers fan


    807 DAME

    No we don’t want to run it back, we want to go to the super bowl this time lol

    That One Packers fan

    @807 DAME you get the point 😂


Get it! Get it!
I love my RODGERS 🐐


Great he’s back. Why aren’t we scoring 30ppg with him though? We needed that money to fix the team but I guess retaining him was more important than not turning over the ball on special teams. I dunno

    VV slays noobs

    We signed the most expensive ST coach

    Siriuz Biz

    we need that money to help all the struggling americans,


    @VV slays noobs oh nice, I didn’t hear that. I really hope it makes the difference this year.

    VV slays noobs

    @K yeah I hope so too

Marisa Aguilera

Yes 🥰👍


Great news!

Kristen Lockamy


Lloyd Spinner

We better win it this because our cap is going to be hurting

Unknown Echo

Why so he can win another MVP and we can lose in the playoffs??

    James Allen


Vijay Swearingen

Tom’s back and on a mission. This will not end how the Packer faithful think it will unless we can develop a killer instinct in games. Players and coaches are all nice people but when the clock starts you have to set that nice guy mentality to the side and play games with a killer instinct like Belichick/ Brady or you’ll end up dissapointed in the end.

James Westen

Man,he just throws a frozen rope like it’s no problem. Say whatever u want about Aaron Rodgers, but he makes incredible throws look ez


Just like poker you go all in win or lose has consciences.


This is an All or Nothing Year for him because the schedules for this year and next coming years is going to be difficult even though for 3 years(2019-2021) we finished no. 1 and 2 seeds with bye weeks in playoffs, I still have concerns for this year but the Superbowl is in Arizona and is hosted by StateFarm.

Reno T

Needs like an 82 speed



Eric packers

R-e-lax as he would say lmso

The Communication Coach

The spoiled snot? NO thanks!

Teri Giese

GO PACK!!!The time is NOW!GETIT!!!!💥👊🏻

James Allen

Look at the money he’s getting … wouldn’t you come back?
Bring us a couple more Superbowls!


This hole season gotta be all about winning the super bowl, nothing else who cares about stats, records and ect. Just bring home the Lumbardy trophy

Jeff Podrug

He’ll always be my QB1.💚💛

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