Packers Daily: Record-breaker – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Daily: Record-breaker

Wes Hodkiewicz recaps Sunday’s game in Detroit and previews the playoffs in this edition of Packers Daily.

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Zaire Freeman

Keep on going win this super bowl

God of thunder


Ras Jahson


Makayla Sheppard

Lion bad team

Jan Mckittrick

Defense. !!!! Come on MAN…

rick boltz

Defense wins championships, we don’t have a championship D.🤞🏾🥴

    Sergio Salazar

    They’re coming together just at the right time. Z and Jaire will be back most likely
    And the Offense adds Bahk, Myers and probably Turner
    We’re better than last year overall

Tyki Mikk804

Go Pack Go

Mark Jonjak

YOU CAN’T BEAT A 16 GAME RECORD IN 17 GAMES!!! Wth are people thinking? Give me enough games and I can break the “record”. Who cares?

Scott O

And all records mentioned were in 16 games. Covid was not their fault and in at least Aaron’s, case he said he could have played. The league’s ban from playing cannot be an asterisk. Not their fault and Aaron felt “amazing” again 3 days before and said any other time like if it had been a flu, he would have played.

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