Packers Coordinators press conferences – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jesse Teal

Keeping Amari back on PR is insanity.


Coaches are going to be excited the work Amari is putting in 2 years from now as he still fumbles.

jack black

Here is a recipe for guys preparing to the best of there ability, practicing and playing at highest level possible at all times. And not just in GB but all around the league. You ready?

FOR WINS YOU GET 100% including all coaching stuff and front office

It is really that simple. If you are getting paid 100% win or lose enviably some players wont give you 100% week to week but if there sale for a loss goes down from say $500k to $250k well then you can see how this will be a powerful motivator and inevitably result and a much better Football product all around for the fans as well as the NFL which will result in better raiding and even bigger TV contracts.

Before you start writing some nonsense why that wont work or cant be first THINK ABOUT IT, and realize that an average NFL player even on rookie contract make more money in his first 2 years then most people make in a LIFETIME. Neverminded the starters and superstars.

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