Official Jets Podcast: Free Agency Update Episode 3 | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
- prezMAN

The Jets still without a damn pass rusher and will go into the season WITHOUT ONE AGAIN!! Joe just trade for 25 year old Ngakoue!!!! Please JOE THERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Give up the damn 2nd they won’t have the impact Ngakoue will have

Joe shmo

Rome wasn’t built in a day and it wasn’t built with an over pay!!!! GO JOE D


cool video keep up the great content

Vinny Picc

Exactly guys NFL FA is the only sports news that is breaking. I feel JD is going about FA right but I really hope we resign Robby and also another G

Jonny Goodrich

EA could cure insomnia guy had zero personality and Greens… I think we should switch it up a bit asap.. neither of em got my attention


Go get Ryan Logan b4 every decent CB is gone.

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