Offensive Line Coach Matt Applebaum meets with the media | MIAMI DOLPHINS – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jason Velasquez

Big boys on the OLine playing like a wall for Tua and opening up holes for the run game ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿˆ

    Aaron Elijah Colyer

    let’s hope so because Derek Henry didn’t do much for rushing last week

    Dominick Ramirez

    @Aaron Elijah Colyer yea fr I seen that but u canโ€™t blame him cause the O line was barely blocking for him


    Great job last week coach! Nice to see this line do their jobs. Letโ€™s go out this week and keep 40 out the backfield.

Aaron Elijah Colyer

How will they hold up against Von Miller?

william youngblood

Eichenberg did not play well against Baltimore. The rest of the line did great.


    yep, two missed blocks led to 2 sacks. no bueno.


What if they replace Eichenberg with AJ when heโ€™s healthy again ๐Ÿ‘€

    Cory Bundukamara

    Eberg getting blown up every other play.. that’s if he even gets his hands on the guy

Lizzy PhinsFan

I hope Armstead plays. ๐Ÿคž

Mark Mark

Protecting Tua is a #1 priority bcuz there is no defense in the NFL that can cover both Waddle/Hill, they will get open and the Bills know the key is to get to Tua quick!

Patrick Gallegos


Cory Bundukamara

Two cheers ๐Ÿป for Greg Little
Didn’t hear his name once last Sunday
Holding down the right side! (Not the best on those sweeps but that’s fine)


Cowboys center is the Secret Sauce.

Christopher Phillips

Miami has assembled some good coaches it appears. Where was this level of intelligence in the offense the last twenty years.


Little is definitely a lineman the OL can improve with. They need to work on their follow thru with the run plays thou.

Anthony Gregori

love this guy

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