Odell Beckham Jr: “I’m definitely stronger and faster than I was last year, all around healthier.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Hamzah Gheith

Yo can I come to your practices

Hunterbeast 47yt

This is out comeback season that we missed out last year….

    Sweajack 86


    Keith Randolph

    people can call me crazy but this team will be heading to the playoffs this year as a wildcard. Next year, serious contenders. Cleveland is about 2 or 3 away from appearing in a Super Bowl. Winning it? Who knows but definitely appearing.

FMF_ 2011

I want to meet obj and play catch with him cuz I have a Jersey and a big Picture of him in my room

    tim phillips


FMF_ 2011

And my phone case is hom

FMF_ 2011


James Ellsworth

I look at you as a true Cleveland boy now!!!.. thank you for being here!!!… we need you!!!

    Jesse Warshak


sali antonianc

04:46 Woow woow 💖❤️


This is definitely going to be Clevlands comeback season

Clipping Games

I have is going 12-4 does anybody else think that it’s realistic especially if we beat the colts

    Clipping Games

    Treadmill Hipsters that’s a very possible season out come as well

    Clipping Games

    Eric Harmon yeah I agree I think if we beat the colts and split with the Steelers it’s possible

    Backup Khan

    No. I’m still sticking with 9-7

    Russell Funches

    Colts D overated

    Clipping Games

    Russell Funches I think they are definitely good but some people give them to much credit


You guys got a chance this year to stop this curse we’ve had for years upon years. Go Browns!!!!!!

rnha VitalVita

10:37 has the best 😍💖❤️ 💋💝

Robert Janko

There is no “junior”, this is Mr. Odell Beckham a mature leader of this Browns. He still is a diva, but he dances for the team. Outstanding what he does together with his bro Jarvis.

tim phillips

He is very careful with his words

Jacob Combs

97th like

J Nic

Mary Kay’s question was so dumb as per usual. “How funny was that?” Time to find a new job

DJ Go Crazy

“Look at Odell man so inspirational”

Serge Bawa


Paul Cesare

OBJ…So glad to hear you’re definitely stronger and faster than you were last year, all around healthier!!!! God Bless You and All the Best!!!!

Jesse Woody

THIS IS BROWNS TOWN. We have so many weapons and Stefanski is one of them.

PLAYOFFS this year. The sky’s the limit

Eric Carter

@6:45 its called DOWN THE MAN!..lol..if its 20 people on the field you have to juke them all. best game growing up in the 70’s

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