Oct. 31, 2022 | Head Coach Frank Reich Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mike Hunt

This mans days are numbered, for better or for worse

    Cedric Martin

    Worse for sure. No good coach would want this team

john noble

Really feel bad for Lewis

    john noble

    @Mike Cheeze you say life isn’t fair and get over it, your the one complaining. Lol yeah these guys make a lot of money, its not just handed to they they had to work hard AF for it. Sorry if an athlete that makes money is offensive to you.

    Mike Cheeze

    @john noble ?? Still waiting….

    john noble

    @Mike Cheeze on what??

    Mike Cheeze

    @john noble another one of your ignorant comments…

    john noble

    @Mike Cheeze wow you are toxic. Go get a hug or something.


tht drop by pittman was ….geez man. Hope he works on that this week

Alexander Kranyik

He looks so defeated already

Deep Blue Trucker

“Coulda, shoulda, woulda won by a couple of touchdowns.”
The more I listen to Reich the more it sounds like he knows he’s on the way out.


    And i cant wait this season is reminding of when we went 2-14

Martinez Jaharri

We’ve missed the playoffs more with the frank Reich/Chris Ballard duo than with grigson/Pagano, we’ve had both duos for 5 years to this point. We’ve also never started a season 1-0 under frank Reich, despite his motto “1-0”. The team is surrounded by stars that pick and choose when they want to be, and a coach that couldn’t coach worth a damn

    scott campbell

    The comparison to pagano/grigson is a very poor one. While yes, you are correct, you are missing a very important detail as to of why.

    QB is the most important position in football and consistency at QB is even more important. Grigson and Pagano had the same QB every year they were here. Not only that, but they had a generational talent at QB. A QB who was so good that he essentially took a team that would lose badly to Alabama without him, to the afc championship game.

    So you can’t really compare the two since Reich/Ballard only had Luck for 1 year. (2018) and if you remember that was Reich’s best offense and only playoff win.

    I don’t blame Luck for retiring, but his decision to do it 9 days before the season absolutely killed our franchise. So everyone blaming Reich/Ballard for our misfortune and saying Grigson/Pagano were better needs to get out of their feelings and look at the reality of it. Grigson and Pagano were terrible at their jobs and were severely bailed out by Andrew Luck. If Luck never retired, I have no doubt Reich would not only win the south every year, but would have at least 1 ring by now.

    Martinez Jaharri

    @scott campbell sir these are your personal feelings. Each duo had pros and cons. Pagano and grigson had a qb and a dline but that was all they had aside from ty Hilton and Adam. This duo has everything except a qb. If I’m correct, as u stated in the very beginning, then all the other things you’ve stated are just your personal feelings, and in the face of facts, feelings don’t matter. The bottom line is the bottom line. We were better under the previous duo. We’re they more likeable? No. We’re they more successful? Absolutely. As fans we need to go back to being fans and only caring about team success, individuals come and go.

    Martinez Jaharri

    @scott campbell I also would like to point out(not that it’s important it’s shameful really) we have no division titles under this duo. Btw Frank did coach Andrew, his final playing year where he was imo league mvp? Yeah we only won a wildcard game.

    scott campbell

    @Martinez Jaharri classic case of projection. None of what I said had anything to do with my personal feelings, yet everything you said was based on your emotions. I presented facts, yet you accuse me of presenting feelings? Nice try sir. That’s ok though. Irsay doesn’t listen to either one of us. Thankfully he knows that Ballard is an excellent GM and Reich is a good coach. Just need QB consistency and I think they may have found it with Ehlinger.


    A big part if that, aside from QB, was the rest of the AFC south was trash. Now we’re just part of the trash with more coaching and possibly management changes coming soon.


You lined up in a shotgun formation on 3rd and 6 inches to go. Geez! Com’on man…


I feel like I’m listening to Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh whenever Frank talks. This team needs some energy man!


You’ve got to trust the QB sneak with 1 yard bro. I’d rather lose like that.

    Ryan west

    I totally agree. Why shotgun handoff whenever it is inches

    mm cat

    @Ryan west Totally Agree


    @Ryan west Terrible call. We paid the o line handsomely so we can run some finesse plays from the 1 yard line? What a mess.


Pittman fumble last game, dropped pass this game, and didn’t get into the end zone when he could have has hurt us.


    Pittman fumble didn’t matter the game was already over and the drop this week is a bummer but at the same time how does our defense allow 7 seconds per pass last washington drive?, props to Terry for that freak catch


I’m still not over the shotgun draw from the 1/4 inch line bro cmon

    mm cat

    Reich don’t get it so over it.

Bruce Cox

And this last season with us before free agency 😭😭

Derrick Johnson

I have no hope in the Colts, they act like they too scared to actually dominate there opponent.

Ethan Tremblay

The fact that he’s still our head coach shows we don’t care about winning

    John Hendrix

    Or maybe there’s no better options Indy is one of the smallest markets

    Mike Cheeze

    Any body, literally any body is a better option than frank….

Jamil Qureshi

Loosing to the Commanders after all the stuff Irsay has said about them I would say sealed this being Reich’s last year.

David joe

Got to the end of the game the DF should have blitz ! Not may be you have to stop them back at the 50 yd so they can’t score! Don’t move the DF back thinking you’re stop them. So far most of the games end the same way the other team wins. Sam looked pretty good!

David Linehat

Thanks for the conservative calls yesterday! Sincerely, a very grateful Washington fan.

    Abraham Hernandez

    I’m a colts fan and can’t be mad at you for this comment 🤣…this man needs to go

    Mike Cheeze

    Your welcome, any and all come along we’re handing out W’s for the season.

    Abraham Hernandez

    @Mike Cheeze literally 😂🤣😂

Cat Man

Dead-man walking!! He is absolutely gone after this season.

Cat Man

If they had started the season off with Ehlinger just think about how much better our record would be. Also, Frank would be praising the heck out of Ehlinger if it had been his decision to start the season with Ehlinger. And, Ehlinger should have started the week Wentz had COVID. We would have beaten the Raiders that day. Thanks to Irsay, Ehlinger has a chance.

Matt McGill

Add Marcus Brady to the long list of scapegoats . When will irsay realize frank is a problem?

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