Oct. 30, 2022 | QB Sam Ehlinger Postgame Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
JC Figueroa

With Sam we would’ve beaten Houston and Tennessee 100%. He played awesome today against a great D-line. Go Sam!

    Cortez Dallas

    Stop it dude you just lost today with him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Jerry Lisby

    @Cortez Dallas that’s okay. It wasn’t his fault for the most part. Get some sleep. Maybe you will think better in the morning. πŸŒ„

    DeeShotCha Savii

    @Cortez Dallas if we can’t beat them we can’t win next week

    Cortez Dallas

    @Jerry Lisby no I doubt it this kid want win 3 games this isn’t preaseason πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Jerry Lisby

    @Cortez Dallas that is a good one. πŸ˜‚ Ever thought of doing stand up comedy?

carter maksy

get this man a competent coach


Should have been a blowout win if we minimize the mistakes . In sam we trust

    Cortez Dallas

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ stop it whole organization is a damn joke


    @Cortez Dallas if we executed in the redzone and not fumble it would’ve been a blowout

    Benjamin Hartman

    @Cortez Dallas lol ok


Did great all things considering! Showed a lot of promise

Matthew Diggs

His first 30 seconds of speaking has cemented him for me as starting QB and a future pro. Manning was trash when he first started and this kid had that game won for us even though we turned it over twice in scoring position! He did A LOT of good and it was up to the defense to win that one! 2 drives, multiple fourth downs and the Defense could not seal the game away. 4th and 6!!!! They get 18 yards. That was the play. Sam will watch the tape and next time he won’t drop his knee down early stretching for a 3rd and 7.

    Stephen Trader

    Sam played well enough to be the starter. Just needs more reps in redzone

    Craig Lortie

    @Stephen Trader he needs more reps anyway. payton and luck were thrown in with a better wr core and had their moments also. give him another game or two before we think of going qb in the draft. we need a better o line, and a speed wr to open up defenses or we won’t get anything more than we’ve got this year.


    @Violent I think he means Mannings first start he dropped 3 INTs. and colts went 3-13 that yr. BUT his very first pass ever was a deep throw TD to Marv


    @Craig Lortie Pierce is a speed guy. our WR are pretty good. Pierce will be a str8 up stud. he already is kinda. catches everything

    Stuart Little


    that would be the dumbest decision to go for another quarterback.

    even I (no football experience) would make a good quarterback if the OL wouldnt let anyone through or clear my way so that I can run.

    the key is a OL that keeps the defense from coming close too the QB

    Anyone who wants to invest in a new QB ever year has no idea of football


Looked good for his first game that deep ball to Alec was beautiful

    Brettney Gibbs

    The one to Paris was 😍😍 obviously they called PI but the way he throws the ball is special. I love this kid, we need to stick with him.


    yea sure πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


    @digi longest pass of the year


Sam extended plays for us. Three dimes and two were on an absolute rope. His intellectual ability and interviews are a relief. Not executing in the redzone hurt us. Sam is the first qb to lead all year. If we only weren’t always ten yards off of every receiver.


    Man, some of the comments here sound like yall want to stroke Sam off or something.

Mike Kelso. Jr

Go Sam Go Colts !! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸˆ

Ryan Plew

This kid is exciting to watch, and made big plays over and over and made big gaines when it seemed the play was dead ..ehlinger is gonna start a new.era for the colts nation


dude is legit hard worker….i want this guy to succeed

Steven Hambrick

Awesome job today Sam .. your the only reason we was in that game

    Christian Soper

    And the defense but ya Sam had an awesome day and was the only reason we had any points rest of the offense was atrocious


    @Christian Soper defense choked

Eric Smith

They didn’t win the first game either. He should have had 7 games under his belt at this point in the season. For his fist start….good job kid.

William Herron

Sam done very good. O line needs to be fixed. And Defense needs tweaked.

Eddie Fannin

This guy is so smart,his podium speech was excellent,he’s what you call as, calm cool and collective.glad to have this guy.

    D B

    Dam this must be a new generation u can TALK your way to playing lmao

    Eddie Fannin

    @D B what’s your input?


    Some of the comments here are not normal. I am just going to leave now. Yall comments sound like you want to stroke Sam off or something.

    Eddie Fannin

    @Lee33 lol,that’s what the comment section is all about,are ya lost?


I’m not a colts fan, but as a UT fan; so happy to see him do as well as he did in his first start. Looking forward to see what he can do in the league. Hook ’em

Jmoney Tha Don

As a die hard fan of the colts I’m behind this dude. Continue your hard work Sam! You’ll be a beast this league in no timeπŸ’―


That throw to Pittman looked like a beauty. Couldn’t believe he dropped that with those NFL gloves, rare mistake for him.


    Idk about rare

    Random Dude1000

    @TheGraffitiPlayground yes rare

Tierra Jackson

His stats were damn near the best in 5 years

Brettney Gibbs

They way he threw the ball last night was amazing. If we would have had those holding calls with Matt Ryan in, those drives would have been dead but the huge throws he was making after penalty was great to see. Cant wait to watch him grow.

Kyle C.

This dude is the future, he made smart passes and placed the ball where only his guy could catch it. Hopefully Frank realizes our O line is chalked and lets Sam air it out.

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