Oct. 30, 2022 | Head Coach Frank Reich Post-Game Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Leon D

I’ll sum it up. Outcoached. For the hundredth time

    Samuel Colby

    @HurshRd thanks for your input

    Film Study

    Lmao and he’s ok with admitting it we need to fire the head coach and owner

    Helicopter 🚁 Helicopter

    @HurshRd u are such a fool. IDIOT


    @Helicopter 🚁 Helicopter Yiu just hate him so much you want everything to be his fault.

    Helicopter 🚁 Helicopter

    @HurshRd idgf about him he is just a horrible coach

the real scorptile


ask coach why did he call a shotgun run on the half yard line? when easily a qb sneak would have won the game.


Who can look at this team and say it’s well coached? Why are you in shotgun at the 6-inch line? #FireFrank


    I lost it when we saw that we weren’t doing a QB sneak. When I saw him in the shotgun I started screaming at the TV. And then I really went nuts when, very predictably, Taylor was tackled in the backfield for a loss. How many times do we have to see that this year?!? Absolutely unacceptable!

    Bobby Johnson

    QB sneak right there gets a touchdown….blows my mind

    Alec Grosk

    @Bobby Johnson plus Sam is an athlete. He would have punched it in. This guy can’t scheme a route to the nearest McDonald’s

    A smile on my face but a Demon inside

    @Bob you have a rookie(essentially) QB in his first ever start and you run Taylor 16 times? Taylor should have had 30 carries in this game


Its like the exact same press conference over and over again

    Barbara Chieppo

    It’s in a loop.

    Deep Blue Trucker

    Reminds me of the Pagano days.

    Hey B

    @Deep Blue Trucker that’s what I came here to say. I distinctly remember that last year all the press conferences were the same. He even said himself it’s like groundhogs day.


On 4th and inches, go under Center and QB sneak. This isn’t hard. Shotgun snaps and late handoffs on 4th and inches will always end up in loss of yardage. You’ve failed at this how many times this season already?


    I agree but defense still let us down at the end

    Cheese Greezy

    Wouldn’t be an issue if reich had sense


    @Yoman as we allowed the commanders to go through us like a hot knife through butter on those last two drives, I did wonder what had happened to our defense that had played so well all game long

    Dylan Crow

    @Bob Attrition

Cat Man

Poor Frank, he simply doesn’t know when to push the right buttons at the right time.

    Bailey Savage

    Bench Sam ehlinger

    Stephen Trader

    Ehlinger is fine we need to bench you from commenting

    Bailey Savage

    Matt Ryan is going to suit up and play and Sam ehlinger is not good


    @Bailey Savage Ryan is done as a colt.

    Bailey Savage

    Matt Ryan is going to play for the colts again


Always aww shucks with this guy, sadly he probably gone next season



    Trolling Them Softly

    -sadly- *gladly

    Jay Cru


Cat Man

If you want more points you’re going to have to change coaches. It’s that simple. Frank’s playcalling his high school level.

    Laws' of Lycurgus

    @Peyton Moses Reggie Wayne. Before you dismiss this; hasn’t the WRs’ improved as having him as their coach?

    Peyton Moses

    @Laws’ of Lycurgus maybe idk, u think we could get peyton manning to coach?

    Tyler Goswick

    Time for a new coach. Sorry Frank but we can’t keep doing this. This off-season we need to go get Dorsey from Buffalo. That’s the kind of fire we need. And try and draft QB/OL/ Deep threat WR

    Cat Man

    @Peyton Moses Sean Peyton

    Ted Yed

    @Laws’ of Lycurgus from rookie positional coach to offensive coordinator? That’d be super unlikely. Maybe Marcus Brady could do better? We knew Nick Sirianni would have been a beast at it


The shotgun draw on the 2 inch line is where I lost it.


    I was absolutely screaming at the TV it’s OK lineup under center QB sneak easy touchdown but nope Frank knows better let’s lineup in a shotgun and run a draw for a loss of 3 yds

    Dalton Spear



    Me in the 4th and 1 punt


    @DIEGO ALAN CASANOVA not trippin on the 4th down punt. on ur own 30. u don’t make it the game is over. but the goal line play would sealed the game and it was a easy play call I thought. qb sneak for a inch! was a 4 point play.


    @KingKracker i know my colts and knew they were gonna lose because of last drive defense commanders had plenty of time and timeouts. If u go for it and get it (with a simple qb sneak) it is almost won and if u dont get it, they score fast and u just need 3 points with 2 timeouts to win (frank use 1 timeout for an awful challenge)

Rafael Souchet

As much as I like frank it’s time for a change. This was a better game he’s called but we need a new coach

    Da Northside Mang

    I don’t like Frank and you need a new name.

    Dalton Spear

    He did not coach well at all

    Chris Downes

    Can’t trust your players to get 1 yrd he gave the ball to them with to much time


I love Frank but this man seems like he knows hes on his way out. Hoping the best for your career Frank!

    Philip Mclaughlin

    Yep promoting Sam tells you everything

    Ian Baumann

    @Philip Mclaughlin promoting Sam was probably his best decision all year?


    @Ian Baumann – Sam is 0-1 with no 4th quarter comebacks, after losing to a bad team at home.

    If that’s the best decision all year, I’d hate to see the worst ones…


    @carrite Do you not realize how much better he played than Matt Ryan? You’re sitting there saying he’s 0-1? Nobody expects a rookie to just come out and drop 300 yards for 2+ TDs. Especially with our trash O-Line, he created opportunities and the O-Line took them away with penalties. As well as 2 unfortunate fumbles.

    Ian Baumann

    @carrite You clearly do not understand the finances behind Matt’s contract and why we are shutting him down. He’s not going to play for us again, period. Sam performed really well. Did you watch the game? Or, maybe you only compute meaningless small sample stats that don’t actually bolster your point whatsoever?
    In a year full of terrible coaching, the tough decision to move on to Sam was the right one, and yeah, likely the best decision he’s made this year.

    Sam and our D put us in a position to win that game…. Yet, you’re putting it all on him? You’re more lost than Frank is lol

Devyn Brinsfield

Frank didn’t go for two after the TD no one is talking about that but it goes to show you his head coaching level.

    Trae Rick

    Because he wanted it to be a 2 point game. Trash take

    Masta Blasta

    taking the 1 point and making it a two possession game was the right call. As much as I get frustrated with his calls, including some at end of this game (conservative runs up middle on second to last drive of Colts trying to bleed clock with too much time on clock) Colts making the game a 2 possession game at that point was correct.

Kevin Roark

Frank simply does not know what he’s doing with the play calling. Plain and simple. 1st and 2nd down runs on the second to last drive was insane

    Kevin Roark

    If Frank got out of Ehlinger’s way we win that game. If you are starting a qb he should be trusted


    The play calling was good today.

Trey Ziessler

Sam did amazing!!! Definitely not his fault.


    @1 Man Dynasty ya man, I just like this kid. I took a deep dive into Sammy last yr. and just loved what I saw. was excited for him to start a game vs raiders last yr. and thought it was a huge mistake starting wentz with covid vs raiders! plus I saw the writing on the wall with wentz. it was looking bad 2 games b4 that raiders game. Frank is the issue. if u start the back up and the back up dose well might hurt wentzs feelings! and yesterday frank didn’t trust Sammy enough to call a winning game. why we don’t qb sneak when we need half a inch? I’ll never know. frank said they didn’t have time to practice a qb sneak!!! like really? then the 4 minute drill play calling was just horrible. get a first down and win the game. but he wanted to take time off the clock and we was still snapping the ball with 10 seconds left on the play clock. then if ur gonna challenge that play fine but wait till there no time left on the play clock. was still like 15 seconds left on the play clock. well when Wash scored there was 22 seconds left in the game. that could have been eating up if we snap the ball later in the play clock on the 4 min drill. despite the players making mistakes we should have won that game. coaching….

    Neko K

    @Dan bro he turned the ball over once on his first start calm down he played good


    @Neko K who says I’m not calm? He played better than Ryan has been. But they lost for all the same reasons, right? Slow start, turnovers, lack of red zone production and mistakes. I think the folks that need to “calm down” are the folks that seem to see Sunday as a win. It was a loss, and another loss where the offense didn’t produce. Am I factually wrong here?

    Jersey Bulls

    What game did u watch


    The Colts are finally understanding how lucky you were with Manning and Luck. You’re now confusing mediocrity for greatness

Larry Rodziewicz

Manning was there today, he could of helped with the play calling!


This was a gut punch loss. Honestly the decision making is flawed. When I think of the Colts, I typically think of great offenses. The defense played well outside of the final drive. The Colts have to learn from this otherwise folks are looking for jobs. Colts Twitter lost it’s mind during this game. Sam has to toss TD’s.

Robert Dice

They got rid of Rodrigo after 2 missed field goals in a row. So then, Frank has called many plays that lost games. Time to go Frank.


Frank always aggressive when not needed and conservative when need to be aggressive .


“I felt today we can find a rhythm with what we’ve got out there.”

A win at home against the Washington Snyders and Colts would have been in sole possession of 7th place in the AFC and in control of their playoff destiny.

A loss and they are in 10th place in the AFC and flaming out.

David Hazen

I miss Jacoby. I have no idea why people think Frank Reich is a great coach. Het let go Jacoby Brissett and Jacoby was the best quarter back we have had for 3 years. Even though Jacoby only won 3 out of 8 games for the Browns, he had only lost 3 of the other by less then 3 points per game. Nobody had ever given Jacoby a chance to improve, now he looks better every week he plays.

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