Oct. 26, 2022 | QB Sam Ehlinger Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dequareio Berry

Go Sam! Go Colts!


This interview is just showing how ready he is for this moment Ehlinger is going off this Sunday

    Sexton Hardcastle

    Not how that works. Don’t count on him catching lightning in a bottle. The Colts are toast. Say goodbye to Frank Reich and Chris Ballard.

    Kyle Reblitz

    Going off on a stretcher maybe.

    J/K, I hope he has a great debut game.

    Brandon Cetta

    @Shawn Zehnder he has no special traits outside of having a good attitude, I’m pretty safe in saying Sam’s not the future.

    Barbara Chieppo

    ​@Brandon Cetta He moves around really well. He doesn’t stand in one spot like a statue. He’s very athletic and he’s a good football player, all around. Don’t be so negative.

    Brandon Cetta

    @Barbara Chieppo not being negative it’s honesty. Sorry pal

Brettney Gibbs

Really excited to see what this kid will do. Let’s get it Sam.

Joe B

He sounds confident not nervous. This may be a blessing in disguise.


    Literally exactly what I was thinking. Answers questions impressively for a 2nd year guy with no NFL experience


Ya era justo un cambio en la posición, ojala que el equipo juegue mucho mejor


    Sin duda

Deep Blue Trucker

There’s no “deer in the headlights” look about him and that gives me confidence. Go Colts.

    ThrillxChill Videos

    @carrite I think you missed the point… he’s not gonna get hit because he’s not a deer in the headlights.


    @carrite his legs are the size of tree trunks it takes a lot to get him to the ground but once that big hit is felt he will be fine.

    Patrick Fuller

    @ThrillxChill Videos but to his point, to echo Mike Tyson…. Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face.
    It is easy to look confident and be confident until you start getting hit every drop back.
    Matt Ryan never looked like a deer in the headlights either.

    Brandon Madden

    @Patrick Fuller he’s not Mike Tyson and this isn’t Boxing… Nobody is punching him in the face.

    Patrick Fuller

    @Brandon Madden okay hitting him in his back and sides.
    The point is he sounds confident now but what happens when he suffers a game like Ryan had versus the broncos where he had somebody in his face virtually every single snap and was being hit on virtually every single snap.

Zachary Heck

This game is going to be a banger!!! Let’s GOOOO


I like this guys so much. Has been through a lot off the field as I have and I admire his perseverance.

tom roberts

Very good interview – articulate, and knowledgeable. A good face for the franchise. Best of Luck

Ryan Dattilo

This kid can PLAY!! He’s tough, he’s got the heart of a lion, and THANK GOD he’s mobile💪💪 he about to SAVE our season and ball out. WATCH. Lesgooo. #fortheshoe

ThrillxChill Videos

Sam, if you see this just know you have the ENTIRE fan base behind you. If you throw a pick, forget it. Keep slinging that thing! We trust you


    I will give him one start before the “fanbase” start screaming for Nick Foles to start. No one is more popular in the NFL than the backup quarterback.

Kyler Im

Wasn’t a big fan when we drafted him but I gotta say he seems to be a great young talent I hope he can lead us to great things. I’m all for the Sam train

    Elijah Hannum

    He’s a huge winner🤝😤


    To take a non existant Texas team to a New Years 6 bowl is an acheivement in my eyes


    I even prefered jacob eason but lets see

Big Dog69

Really excited about Ehlinger I have been high on him since last year I thought he was ready seeing him in preseason man was just at another level and extended plays when nothing was there

Frankenstein Firearms

So humble, loved watching him at Texas, Hookem horns all day, had he had a better Defense at Texas he would’ve been a champion there, BUT he was 4-0 in bowl games, won more games than he lost, always humble


    For real Texas shouldn’t of even been in the New years 6 but Sam would literally run for his life half the time, he is used to pressure lol

Blake Sandman

after 4 years at Texas and 2 years in the NFL as a backup…Sam is more prepared and capable today than ANY college QB coming into next year’s NFL draft. Sunday will not be practice or pre season. Only time will tell. He has the leadership toughness and arm, now it’s up to him, his teammates, and the offensive coordinator to adapt to his style of play. RPOs will be on display.

Max Chalmers

I liked Ryan a lot more than Wentz, but after seeing Sam in the preseason… OH MAN! Yeah it was preseason but man I want him to be the next franchise guy

Jimmy Reese

Looking forward to seeing a QB who has legs behind the line. I love Matt Ryan as a professional, but it was hard to watch him just cripple and fall behind the (unacceptable level) of pressure.


I really hope for the best for Ehlinger I know it’s a long shot but man if he can be the answer at QB it would be an incredible story


I was on the fence about Sam, this interview made me feel a little better. Very confident and mature for a young qb


This team and Sam are in prime position to take full advantage of this moment and finish strong over these next 10 games. There is no reason this team can’t go on to win the division. Excited as hell for Sam and his potential in 2022 and beyond.

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