Oct. 26, 2022 | Head Coach Frank Reich Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

When is Irsay going to fire this phony coach & GM

    chad thompson

    After the season. No point in doing it now with nobody on staff that’s better.

    Mr. Smithers

    Irsay is a clown too… Without Manning and Polian running this team when they did, the Colts would be then laughing stock of the NFL…

    Mack Demchak

    The GM had drafted more pro bowlers than any other GM in the same time frame. Frank has continually been around 500 with below average QB play. I don’t think people realize how hard it is to get to 8-8 with bad quarterbacks. If they find a franchise guy, this will be back to perennial contenders.


Go home frank


I like Frank. I think this is a good adjustment and he is managing it well. I look forward to the rest of the season.

    Caleb Furman

    This wasnt Franks decision…


    @Caleb Furman You don’t know that, but it doesn’t matter either way. I like him, and am looking forward to the rest of the season.

julian pachicano

Excited! Can’t wait to see what Sam does on Sunday. Go colts! Hook’em’


I’m actually excited to watch Sam lead this offense

Film Study

The commanders are not a good opponent he gives too much damn respect to the opposition

Joshua Batts

People need to get off my guy back. A new leaf has turned and the Frank/Sam duo begins. On top of it all frank is not getting fired. He’s too much of a damn good coach and I stand with you coach. Go get’em coach!!!!

    Jason Smith

    I’m definitely not sold on frank anymore but at same time there has to be a better option available before firing him

    rodney tenholder

    I mean he is the one calling the plays…. those plays have led to one of the worst offenses. Drives that stall. It can’t be much worse. We continually haven’t scored. . I think we blow it up and get ready for a draft pick at quarterback next year. Get someone mobile. The pocket qb bandaid has failed over and over again. Phillip rivers was the only one mildly successful

    rodney tenholder

    As a fan I don’t want to be saying that. I’m simply calling a ♠️ a ♠️

    Caleb Furman

    This wasnt Franks decision…


Why is coach mad at Kevin Bowen?

    Joey J.

    @rodney tenholder that was Gregg Doyle

    Morgan Nield

    Ballard is the one who doesn’t seem to like Kevin Bowen.



    Mack Demchak

    He keeps saying Frank and Chris are trash and don’t know what they are doing. I like KB. But he’s wrong. This team hasn’t even been in a position to draft a QB. They had to be okay losing to get the draft pick, and ownership didn’t sign off on that. He just did now.

    Jamil Qureshi

    Kevin and Greg Doyle have no fans in the Colts bldg I’m sure, truth hurts sometimes.

twe mcgraw

Chris can’t be scared to draft a first rounder. Teams do it all the time. Im rooting for Sam but you can’t skip steps. We have great scouts and I refuse to believe we can’t scout a QB and pull the trigger. Go out with your head high if you are going to go out. Swing at someone.


Fire Reich

Bailey Savage

Matt Ryan is a backup quarterback 2

Ruby Ridge

Frank looks like he has lost a lot of sleep. I think he knows if this move doesn’t work it’s probably his last year with the colts. Probably Ballards too.

    MS 17

    Ballard isnt going anywhere

Austin Morris

Colts 12-4-1

Mack Demchak

Frank is better than he gets credit for. He just had the worst QB in the league through the first 7 weeks. Somehow has found a way to win 3 games and be 500. This team will get better with Sam in there.

    Damon Lopez

    Worst QB in the league? Yeah he’s 32nd in turnovers but he’s 4th in passing yards, 20ish in QBR and in passer rating and YPA. Overall Matt’s probably played like the 24th best QB, and he still had a clutch factor that allowed the Colts to win 3 games.

    Give him an avg O line and run game and his stats would be closer to 16th best QB in the league.

    No way you think matt has played worse than Baker, Russell Wilson, etc.

Robby Martin

This team is scary if ehlinger is able to move the offense and keep the motor turning. Shaq coming back will take a top 10 defense to top 5 if not top 3. Sam should help loosen up the playbook. I’m excited. Ryan was the #4 QB in terms of yardage through 7 weeks it just was the turnovers killing any sense of momentum. Sam can do everything Matt was doing just keep it cleaner and we’ll be just fine. I think the team ends up being 10-6-1

Jay Davis

I’ve always liked Frank, but I’m really finding easy these days to just believe everything that comes out of his mouth is just lie’s.


    I wouldn’t necessarily say “lies” Jay… but instead, he seems to clearly be hiding the truth.

    Is there a difference ?
    Yes, I believe there is.

    Regardless, the Colts’ situation right now is incredibly disappointing all the way around.


I’ve never been so excited for regular season game

Robert Johnson

Sam is going to have the same problem that Matt Ryan did cause the o line ain’t fixed yet

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