Oct. 18, 2022 | Offensive Coordinator Marcus Brady Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Marcus seems like such a genuine guy. A lot of folks don’t know this guy used to sling it at QB


he seems kinda depressed lol

eazibaby eaZI

get it to Paris. everything opens up off of that.


Oh and all of you who say it’s always Frank’s fault with the offence actually you are all wrong why because just like the team who plays and players need to execute the plan and scheme but also the coaching staff is a team, all the offensive coaches work together to come to the scheme and plan they run frank may have the last word but I doubt he says I’ll do what I say and what I decided. He runs I assure you what they all planned out and worked on together and I can also bet there not all his calls. He need to allow Brady and others to through in ideas and advice and plans and tips in order for them to grow as coaches and to have stuff on tape for promotion and position learning.

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