OC Scott Turner speaks to the media – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Grumpy Snail

The team store needs to have more hats with that logo. Also, Scott has to go…

Michael Carter

Yes, he needs to go

Michael Carter

Definitely not his daddy

Kofi Dofour

how about you run robinson in the redzone? huh scott? or even gibson? huh?

Jack Stellingwerf

He’s cost us more games in the last 3 years than any QB could

Awesomeness Sports

Let’s win vs 49ners Scott Turner it’s time


Scott does draw up great schemes/plays, just gotta be patient and let it come to him (like any other member of the team). Stick to the Basics until the sniper lines up with the target. Finger on the trigger, apply pressure, then squeeze (when the time is Right). Who knows, maybe sticking to the basics – Scott might be able to kick back, set the rifle aside and enjoy! Like a qb watching the rb hammering it all the way

Christopher Marston

I can’t get a read on him yet we definitely are not scoring enough with the offensive talent we have but it’s definitely half heinke and definitely unimangitive play calling no doubt

Victor Jolly

Its like Scott is trying to copy other teams plays and what works instead of sticking to what works for us. Stop going into business for yourself and do what works Scott

Greg Coles

Stop wasting all these weapons potential!

Quintin Ruiz

This dude play calling is worse then Jim Zorn


We lost the game because the sack, and Giants scored and the momentum changed. Why we took a chance when we know we’re weak at OLamd we asked QB is dropped back and throwed without putting a back or TE to protect? And we need to trash empty backfield calls when we’re in troubles. It did not work and we continued to call. It is just a matter of time, we surely will have a new OC and DC next year.


With the QB’s we have, running the ball should be our identity with 15 – 20 passes per game, why doesn’t he understand this


Scott you need to be better

    Billy Sulser



Scott I don’t want to see you


Why he keep saying we, He meaning Scott Turner need to get his #$*% together I’m sick of him and his scheme we have plenty of weapons and he needs to utilize them in the best way these next two games are crucial very crucial if we don’t make it to the playoffs you can’t blame the players that’s all I’m saying

Paul Holland

He won’t be back next year hopefully all these weapons and no scoring

joseph schmohl

After years of re-building this team, perhaps rip a few pages out of the how to succeed in the NFL by the EAGLES & Cowboys..


Thank you to Keim for asking the question about utilizing Brob in the Redzone.


Unfortunately stuck with this dude as long as Ron is around. Gonna be a rough few years.

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