OC Mike LaFleur Press Conference | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Rod Imhoff




Joey Moyer

Week 16 of me saying this a future head coach

    They Don't Know

    Sure, at 3-11 LaFaileur is the next Gase

    Joey Moyer

    right cause “LAfaileur” is the defensive coordinator too? Say you don’t know football without saying you don’t know football

    They Don't Know

    @Joey Moyer Jets D is always on the field because you and LaFaileur love 3 n Outs. Take off your homer eyeglasses and watch the games!

Mikey LaFleur

Move out the way people! The MikeyTrain is full steam ahead!


Yep go ahead in lock crowder down


He will be the reason Zach succeeds

    They Don't Know

    Jets own the AFCE basement and Zach’s head is all screwed up

Jordan Eilertsen


Brian Z.

Do you understand that a football game is 60 min. not 30 mins.

Vinny B

Get these beat reporters out of here. They are a detriment to the team and offer NO VALUE to the fans or to this organization.

live2 thefullest

I like La Fleur, but please….”improvements not obvious to the naked eye”? Zach is the worst QB in NFL in QBR and Comp %, also worst on the team in those numbers.

Kent Jensen

Some of those look like plays from his BYU days.

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