OC MIke LaFleur Press Conference | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Trey Knight

Jet media- “is playing football simpler said than done? We’ve never played before.”


Mike Mike Mike….haven’t been thrilled…but last game gives hope….let’s turn it up!!


Bonehead beat always trying to trap these guys


Let’s see some double moves…and let’s threaten the backside deep….roll out…throw backside…

B Trav

“How does MW know what he can’t do if he hasn’t done it?” LOL!…..the players should tar and feather some of these reporters! weasels.

Good Citizen

Great job Mike! You can finally open it up a little bit. Can’t Wait! GO JETS

Justin Herbert

Hoping Mike White keeps turnovers to a minimum – and builds momentum from the Bears game – if he can keep the Jets in the game i would be happy – please no meltdowns or injury – Go Jets

Ian Dominguez

These reporters are clowns. Just try to stir drama

Daniel Savage

So basically. Why is Mike making your offense look so easy when Zach makes it look so hard.

    richard pregler

    Quick going through reads. Quick release.


Just imagine if we had Breece right now. So excited for these Jets in the coming years!

    Moist Cloud

    Be excited now!!! Cause u should be


    Breece and Knight will be the ultimate one two punch next year


    @MADXxASSASSIN no question and mc as 3rd down back

    Luis Bernard

    If He was on the field the Jets would’ve had the offensive rookie and defensive rookie of the year
    Breece Hall & Sauce Gardner

    Nick Griffo

    AVT too


All i can think of are two things..
1. Imagine a healthy O-Line (Becton included)
2. Mike starting from jump street. Wasn’t a fan of Zach as the starter since being drafted and now I have a lot of ppl eating their words.


    After one game? Lol 🤡


    @Jetupbuttercup the irony of your name and you being offended by comment is amazing. This had nothing to do with one game but seeing as how you prematurely came up with a notion of me making it about Mikes “1” game, I hope in the future you don’t let your ignorance show.

    Mad Cougar86

    I guarantee Zach would have had better numbers with that shitty defense from the bears lol


    @Mad Cougar86 you cannot

    Deez nutz

    @Jetupbuttercup not gonna lie Mike white was just never really taken seriously from the organization as a starter…. There’s a reason for that but I’d give it a shot…. And keep Zach and let them flip flop… I’d say they are pretty much even as far as skill…. Zach’s just overwhelmed honestly… He’ll get better but doubt he stays on the jets for more than 1 more year

Jay Boy

Zach makes this look like he needs to be gone but Mike White makes him look amazing

Michael Miller

The Jets are going to be the new bills Mike white takes them to the playoff and they will start Zack. Just flutie and johnson


Breece, becton, AVT, all studs out can u imagine if we had these 3 guys healthy

Ken Masonj

Tell ZACH WILSON to take NOTES ! 🤣😅

calvin watson

I love when the Jets play on the road they just seem more focus I have the Jets 24 Vikings 17 Let’s Go Jets!


Zach is hopefully watching Mike really close and is actually learning from this whole situation.

Grant Rude

It’s obvious there’s an agenda at play when you listen to these coaches talk about Wilson in the past weeks vs now talking about White. This staff has yet to show me they can let go of their fantasies and be men leading men. They seem to be able to work through the x’s and o’s but they also seem to have a puppeteer leading their song and dance with everything else. Makes my convictions, that the Johnson’s are sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, even stronger. Time will tell but it won’t suprise me to hear, next year, about lockeroom rumblings the way we heard about Mims, Moore, Reed, Q and now of course their golden boy zach.

Manuel Salas

This man play calling is atrocious. And the personnel he puts out on game win situations is ridiculous. Berrios shouldnt have been there, Elijah shouldve been there. This man is his own worst enemy. The nerves that we saw through him in the call box while they were in 2 and 1 situation shows how over his head he gets while up there. Kudos to Mike White for doing amazing while being managed by this guy,.

Nick Griffo

Definitely missing AVT and Breece

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