O.J. Howard Calls Tom Brady the ‘Ultimate Competitor’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
King Buc

Hey look it’s Oj finally making a difference.. 😂


Just lack of chemistry and the defense needs to get going faster.

    JacobN Kris

    The special teams!!!!!!!!!


    @King Buc That´s one play where Dean was lazy.I assume he did not expect Brees to go deep. The defense played very well overall. Good v. the run. Held Brees to 60% compl%. ( Brees had an expected compl% of 77%). So we were 17% better, which would be the best total for any team last season. What killed us were the basic things. A tug by Whitehead, the offside, that one lazy effort.

    King Buc

    bowlchamps37 you don’t hear yourself?? Literally all those mistakes happened on defense so how tf was defense stellar 🤨


    @King Buc Because those are mistakes that did not happen the majority of the time. It´s not like NO was marching up and down the field. Never said they were stellar, but they played very good Don´t forget who we played.

    D Money

    Defense is fine, Both front and secondary. We would see very different results if we can control TO and be more disciplined for those penalties.

Estate of Meredith

OJ played great, that’s what we expected from him when we drafted him.

    Knowledge saves And frees

    Did better than gronk

    Patrick Burk

    With gronk on the same team as him you know oj’s gonna pick up so many techniques.

    Mickey Finn

    Someone forgot to tell gronk he’s finished

    David Moran

    @Mickey Finn For sure, did you notice that too? He knew when he retired that he wasn’t good anymore. Maybe Brady will finally realize that and retire soon.

    Estate of Meredith

    Gronk clearly was nowhere near the player he was before the retirement. He looked slow and clumsy and his blocking was okat best. I see Gronk’s value as an expensive coach for developing OJ. Can’t say it enough how proud I am of OJ. 💪


They should do a two tight end formation with oj and gronk Brady had his best years with hernandez and gronk O j howard and gronk are two talented

    Willie Smith

    I was saying the same thing today.

    Damian Barnes

    Mabey Oj and Brate. Gronk is only good for blocking now days.

    Ginger Hunter

    Damian Barnes well give him time. He sat out a whole season. We will see the real Gronk this season. They’re just getting started


    They didn’t know how to use them unless Bill Belichick is the coach lol

    Chad Hayes

    They did a 3 te set and scored a td lol they need a Julian someone to run in and out of zones to keep chains moving. I saw several
    That were just like what was that? Just completely like 15 yards off target I never seen that from TB
    Before it was on 3rd and 4th do they were intentional and someone who can give Tom a look and know what route based on coverage the bright spots with points and ceiling and #54 is a beast monster!


Imma need Mike Evans to come back……NOW

    Austin Burns

    He made an impact, stats don’t show it. He was being smothered and held all game.


    @Austin Burns im aware im just saying we maybe wouldve won if mike wasnt hurt. But youre right tho

    Eli Navy

    Mike Evans drew those two big PI calls tho


    Mike Evans over 100 yards of offense that didn’t count. he also made a huge impact bringing double teams


    Im done replying……… Cuz clearly yall are slow and are not understanding me…..

Gary Leveroni

Relax Tampa fans you guys will be fine ! I

    Sam47 GD

    Ikr. Don’t know why people are overreacting over one loss

Aristotle 384 BC

Run game wasn’t very dominate

    Dru Andrews

    That d line was good af in New Orleans

    Rhys Rudd

    The saints haven’t let a 100 yard rusher for 44 games, I’m not worried that we couldn’t quite run it.


    @Rhys Rudd It´s not the stats that worry me, it´s the lack of athleticism on the O-Line that worries me.

    Big Daddy Rikka

    Dru Andrews the o-line played good considering what they were going against. Gronk showed he’s still a dominant blocker too. And I bet you guys anything Fournette will be the starter eventually

JD Druid

This is only the first game still time for us to win

CyberDragon 232

We’ll bounce back. First week is always the hardest. Shake it off, learn from your mistakes, and do better in the next game. I still believe we can make it all the way!


    After watching Brady for 10+ years, I know weeks 1-4 are always his weakest. Once he gets comfortable, it won’t be pretty for the NFC South.

    Randy Neves

    No preseason is the dumbest thing, you cant see how chemistry will work

Tune Safari

Journalists, when you’re asking questions, turn your speakers down/off. Stop the feedback loops, only you can do so.

Even better, use earphones, as there will never be any feedback loops if you follow this simple rule.

Other journalists / Bucs team, explain to journalists before these calls. It’s embarrassing.

Nosy Rosie

We’re ready for the games to begin! 🙊🌟👍🏾


These boys and all three phases look like they were not ready to play today. But give this team a month of playing and we are going to be on fire. I wanted us to come out and do well today and all three phases but I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect us to be as competitive as we were. This New Orleans team ain’t no joke this year but give us a month of real games and Tampa Bay will be a completely different team the next time they played New Orleans

    Big Daddy Rikka

    They almost beat the Saints and barely had an off-season, they are in a much better spot then people think. If it weren’t for a few boneheaded mental mistakes, I think they would of beat them. Talent wise they stack up to ANYBODY in the NFL.

Kelly Ortiz

Don’t take no for an answer OJ you have all the talent needed to be the best 💯

Christopher Simmons

I think OJ Howard will be a beast this year playing with Brady going to be a elite offense despite of losing week 1 I have this team going 11-5

I'am a legend

If they don’t protect Brady, they will go 8-8 lol Tom needs a better protection than Game 1.

D Judson

Bucs will bounce back. BOOK IT! 12-4 don’t @ me

Nicci Dee

Never been on board the Bucs ship. Tom brought me here. Think we should give them time to learn, both Brady new to the team, and the Bucs, a loose banded squad now being taught by the GOAT.
We will get better. Championship is still at hand. Hey, stop with the fouls already. 90 yds?????

OJ has it right. As the season moves forward, repetition will win the day. It is the year of Covid. Give ’em a break.

Steve Dhi

Look a Brady’s records first 4 games years he won Superbowl…

jerry williams

But, what about the rest of the team

1 Sub before 2021

*Literally 99% won’t see this: Your amazing and wonderful stay safe during this rough times have a amazing weekend 😌😌😌🥰*

    blacked mirror


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