Nov. 29, 2022 | QB Matt Ryan Postgame Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Bailey Savage

Come on Matty iced Ryan beat the cowboys


    😂😂😂 Ryan won’t be here next season don’t get attached

Mack Moe

This Dude is washed…I’ve never watched a QB play a game that every snap I cringe/exhale when he does/doesn’t turn it over…

    Justin Tyme

    Wentz would make my heart stop ☠️ every snap. Ryan makes me cross my fingers 🤞. I don’t know if I can take much more of this 🤦‍♂️ #coltsfaninhawaii


Shake it off and on to Dallas. GO COLTS

Mike Thompson

Miss Carson yet


    Carson would be injured. The offensive line is far worse this year.

    Morgan Nield


    Garrett Davidson

    Oh yeah what ersay did was a joke I support Indiana no matter what but ersay needs to go


    Ha! Carson no, but at this point…bring Rivers outta the RHome?

    Not sure i understand why they’re not giving Foles a chance. Anyone got the 411 on that guy?

Tae Alpine

I blame JT for the fumble he closed his arms too quick

    Adam Hall

    That was crazy dude. Unfuckingbelievable. We better get a good QB in the draft out of this.

    Tae Alpine

    @Adam Hall I agree lol

J. Brooks

Matt needs to get out of the pocket and scramble more instead of standing there waiting to be sacked. His age has obviously caught up with him and why is the guy SO Skinny? He has no muscle mass. He mainly throws short passes and most are incomplete or intercepted. Come on Saturday Lucas Stadium is not a rest home for old worn out players who don’t know when to retire.

    Shawntavious Banks

    What’s strange is he’s always been shinny like this I never understood it I’m surprised his body hasn’t shattered

Buckeye Colt

I am so sick and tired of these old washed up qbs. It is time to find someone young at qb again

    Eddie Fannin

    All and all,the colts organization is turning in to a retirement home for QB’s rather than a football team.

Justin Tyme

I’m the only Colts fan in a family of 🤠 fans. PLEASE BEAT THE COWBOYS!!! #coltsfaninhawaii

Haniel Maria

Yea you need to come with something new in your speah as you say this all the time

Jesse Konrad

“The Stigma” his shirt refers to is winning football games

    Jesse Konrad

    Dudes a stigma male


I think it’s time for the Colts to find a mobile QB who can actually play outside the pocket and not hesitate every single pass. Matt Ryan is sluggishly slow and is simply not a good quarterback.

    Fifapro 44

    You wouldn’t need a mobile QB if your O-line was any good

    Eddie Fannin

    I agree,you always need a mobile QB in any situation,you never know when you have to exit.


    @Fifapro 44 Then why does everyone draft mobile QBs now? Even Joe Burrow and Justin Herbert can run when needed.


Ole noodle arm.

Slick Salmon

It was a terrible game plan. The first half was unwatchable.

Thomas Dellarosa

When He lost Super Bowl game , that was an OBVIOUS RIGGED GAME 100% .


    Unfortunately I don’t think he ever recovered from that


Dude, stop playing scared/hurried/seemingly confused…it shows! I get it, the OL, age, can’t run, etc. If you can’t take the heat, get outta the kitchen! (This loss is ALL on your shoulders)

COME ON Matt, believe it or not i’m rooting for ya!

Patrick Houston

You need to trust your guys. Just sling it!. In ATL, you threw 50 yard strikes to Olamide Zaccheaus and Taylor Gabriel

Brandon Chabner

Matt subscribes to the rhythm method…


I feel like there’s no leader on this team besides Darius Leonard who is hurt. We always start these winnable games slow as hell like we’re lifeless and always play down to our competition.

J Bb

PUT SAM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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