Nov. 10, 2022 | LB Shaq Leonard Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

That smile when asked about Jeff Saturday says a lot.


    What’s it say to you hmmm.

    dabney offermein

    @James he’s right as rain, you could tell there is a genuine connection and spirit


    @dabney offermein huh so the point is. That’s why I asked the commenter lol he would know what he ment. But thanks 👍

Bobby Johnson

Go colts


Shaq is the heart an soul of this organization an i love it. Lfg colts nation


Another yes men. These players have no balls to speak their minds lmao. Too funny.


    men dont throw other men under the bus. they say something to that mans face. and he basicly said that


    Not everybody gets to hide behind a screen, some folks actually have to live a real life! Do you want him to act like a petulant fan and stomp his feet and cry? No time for that, gotta keep moving!

    dabney offermein

    such a sorry comment and completely tone-deaf

    brandon orie

    exactly what your wife probably says about you, so you come to troll


    – Matt Ryan benched how do you feel Shaq? I think we have a great group of leaders who make decisions and I am excited for Sam.

    – Your offensive coordinator got fired, how do you feel Shaq? I think we have a great group of leaders who make decisions and I am excited.

    – Your head coach got fired how do you feel Shaq? I think we have a great group of leaders who make decisions and I am excited about the energy Saturday brings.

    – Your new playcaller has no experience and was the quality control position just a year ago, how do you feel Shaq? I think we have a great group of leaders who make decisions and I am excited for our new playcalling.

    These players are faker than Russel Wlson.

The Londizzle

Frank had the energy of a dead fish.

    Anthony Ramos

    @Mike Turpin We needed to fire Frank after that 2020 wild card loss to Buffalo

    dabney offermein

    he was horrible. a stoic figure who was clueless with his nose buried in that playsheet not paying attention to the big picture.

    Mike Turpin

    @dabney offermein I wish that Manning would come here to coach. I bet nobody would say he’s not qualified. The media would have his junk in their mouths and go on and on about how great he was when he was a player. I’d love to see Dungy come back but he’s already said he wouldn’t take the job


    @Mike Turpin ESPN would throw a whole book of money at him

    Ted Yed

    DFE – Dead Fish Energy

Rashea White

“No excuses” is the drive in every offensive and defensive play, LB. That has to be imprinted on every teammates brain going forward. “NO EXCUSES.”

Recover well.😊 You will be steps ahead moving forward captain.👍🏾💯✊🏾💯

Wayup North

Seahawks fan here! Pulling for Saturday and the boys of the Colts! I would love to see them win their way into the playoffs! If I could I’d wish them into the Super Bowl against the Hawks. Lol yeah I know, almost impossible, but it’s something I would love to see. The two teams expected to finish 31 & 32. Talk about the ultimate in irony though.


players dont really seem to care much that frank is gone.

    Ted Yed

    He literally seemed happy when they brought up Jeff. This is exactly what Irsay was hoping for by bringing him in, glue this team together and galvanize them so that they don’t have to blow it up at the end of the season.

Tony Abbett

This just in DARIUS Leonard stubs toe in locker room will miss the rest of the season. (Sarcasm)


We need to trade Darius we might get a 4th round pick for him now.
We wait much longer we ain’t getting nothing for him.
He’s in major decline & has proven it was all for the money. He even said he doesn’t love football.
I been a season ticket holder since 1985 I’ve seen his type a hundred times.


    For a season ticket holder since 1985 you have 0 context.
    Dude broke is damn nose and has undergone other issues.
    The fact you expect him to even play this season would be absurd.

    Previous season he was a turn-over machine straight punching balls out of hands and created significant value.
    Colts won several games because of this man just last season alone.
    He certainly isn’t as athletic as a type like Bobby, but he’s easily a top 7-10 LB in the league, last year top 5 was being thrown around allot, and the way he forces turnovers is like something never seen in the NFL before, dude is raw physical straight peanut punching balls, he deserves the credit.
    Team is having a down year in-general, you probably expect JT is worth a 5th Rounder after being in MVP conversations last year and seen as the leagues best back because the man can’t do anything.
    Shaq would easily pull at minimum 1 first round pick even in his current state, you’re delusional.


    @Violent spare me the broke nose & other injuries.
    Ronnie Lott cut off his own pinky finger so he wouldn’t miss a game.
    Let’s be honest Darius is soft as baby 💩.
    So your context is……


    You need to give your tickets back if you think he’s loafing on the field. We don’t need to trade a single player right now if their names aren’t Matt Ryan or Pryor.

    Steven Kozlowski

    He had an amazing season last year. He’s been injured for most of this year. I dont think that’s a major decline.

Blake Durham

Great interview from the maniac, dudes says a lot without saying too much and keeps it professional. I think he might be looking forward to a coach with a little more fire.

JQ Farms

Does he ever play? We need a linebacker, not a spokesman.

Jose Ayala

As a Colts fan I’ve studied Shaq’s body language and his posts on social media and I’m almost sure at some point he’ll ask for a trade and I 💯 percent would back him! I hope I’m wrong and he pulls thru and comes back to being the Maniac we know! But I do feel like after Luck retired out of frustration and more players are asking for trades out of dysfunctional organizations, more will follow. If anyone deserves a championship it’s Shaq! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

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