No magic this time as Denver’s comeback falls short in Atlanta | Broncos Postgame Show – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Offense needs to learn how to play better in the first half

    Kawhi hi

    I say new oc this coach doesn’t know how to take advantage of this team potential


    @Kawhi hi exactly drew had so much potential and especially juedy


Can’t say the INT decided it. Things could’ve changed if it weren’t for them.

Manuel Nunez

This season wasn’t what we expected but I am hopeful for next season. Once our O-line begins to gel together and we get our injured players back we will be fine.

    denver broncos 1987

    Hey. Aren’t you tired of saying that? Every single year! Hopeful, excited, hyped, better luck next year. Same song and dance every year with the broncos! People in the higher Up’s need fired asap we need a professional to come in and rebuild the broncos! Elway needs voted out. Joe ellis needs fired. The entire coaching staff needs replaced! Drew lock needs traded asap he isn’t the answer!


I mean, it feels like the HC and OC don’t know how to use their weapons. Broad statement, but that’s how I’m feeling this season.

    Jonathan Trujillo

    They know how to use them in the 4th at least lol


    Thats what you get when your team doesn’t have an identity yet. They can’t just know.

    Well, Fangio does. Defense played admirably for being the practice squad.

    Karyn Haines

    If only they’d try some hurry up offense early and then often I think we’d see some better starts to games vs whatever Shurmur is trying to do.


Cant wait to see what we do when fully healthy


    @denver broncos 1987


    Lock isn’t the only issue. There’s been no run game for instance.

    denver broncos 1987

    @Rhinopocalypes lock would have more people to throw to, setting lock up to throw more bizarre ints. Seems like every game lock plays, mistake after mistake. Locks had plenty of time to get his footwork under control, his horrible looks and throws. Lock needs to sit or be traded!

    Zack H

    Injury 100% killed us. Oline we had out there was jv level


    You’ll have to wait for next year. And maybe the year after.


For once, our defense was not living up to it (same for offense of course). Still can’t believe we have our whole d-line and our best cbs injured


    Most of our starters were out + the Falcons have a good offense so This kind of performance was expected


    We should have made better moves for CB in the off season. We could have added Logan Ryan….not the answer, but at least something. We literally had rookies guarding a HOFer.
    Bradley Chubb can’t stop making stupid fucking mistakes. He can’t fill even 1 of Vons shoes.
    Our Oline is a catastrophe. I don’t even blame Lock. We have talent. Coaches have to go. And Lock will have to learn yet another offence from yet another coordinator.
    I cant believe im goin to say this, if we dont figure something out by next year, Elway has to go as well.

Hunter's Point

Are we “booing too early” now? Not happy with the offense’ performance whatsoever. Drew needs to fix the mistakes and soon.


    @Bullet 44
    Wouldn’t say nail in the coffin but it sure didn’t help. Not a good decision but the game wasn’t decided by it, just didn’t help.

    Give them 1 more minute and that comeback was still on.

    Bullet 44

    @Rhinopocalypes Well idk I mean all of our Denver teams choke when it counts, I mean those 2 dropped balls at the end?? Especially Lindsay’s was just unacceptable. Not to mention the last play. Like I said there must be something about our team that causes us to get clumsy when it matters most ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚


    @Bullet 44
    Last week was far from a choke. The Broncos have lots of issues but being clutch normally isnt the problem.

    Karyn Haines

    Drew isn’t the main problem…playcalling in the first half is anemic and best and then in the second half they hurry up. I think they need to starts some hurry up early and then often and wear the other team out.

Prod. Psycho

I donโ€™t know what to say I want to blame lock but the second half and pat shumur I donโ€™t know


    Blame inexperience


    It’s lock if he played the full game like that we wouldn’t be booing


    Be happy he’s able to show up in the 4th. He’s on his 11th game with no vets around him. Give him a break. There needs to be pressure, not “he sucks”.


    @Rhinopocalypes I’m sorry but 89 passing yards is unacceptable…. He supposed to show progress not regression

    Karyn Haines

    @KBS KBREEZY it’s not regressing it is lack of acceptable offensive coaching that just doesn’t know what to do in the first half.


Past 4 years have been hard. I truly believe that when Pat left this earth, so did that Bronco passion/pride as well. The kids fighting for control. Not even having a sponsor for the stadium for years.. The GM and coaches really never holding themselves or players accountable like we were used to. They will no longer even admit, besides our defense, we are in a huge rebuild. Not going anywhere, but man it hurts watching Mahomes and Kansas City week after week and us having glimpses here and there just enough to not totally crush us. We are hurt, and don’t practice and are super young on offense. That only equals mediocrity for a while to come. Strap in fans, the hurt isn’t stopping anytime soon.


    Players are held accountable. You just can’t hold rookies to the same standard as vets. Bolles got held accountable because he showed he needed it.

    Nobody is rejecting the Broncos are going through an offensive rebuild. Thats what “letting the young team grow” means.

    Also the Chiefs went through years of even worse to get to this point. Its just what it takes.

    Trevor Pierce

    Man talk about negativity. Johns been rebuilding this team the last 2 plus years. We have so much young talent on this roster its ridiculous. The goal for this season was never superbowl or bust, we knew there was going to be alot of growing pains with this “youngest offense” in the league.
    The goal is 2021. When John stacks yet another star studed draft class with the last 2 or 3.
    When this young team gets more continuity and starts to gel, plus get back all the stars off IR look out nfl. Everyone is going to be coming back on to the band wagon from negative Nelly town

Love Dogs

New offensive coordinator would be helpful. Still not sold on Lock.


    You ain’t ever gonna be sold on a QB if you get rid of the OC every season.


    @Rhinopocalypes 100% agree


    While i agree the playcalling seems to be a constant issue, we cant ever get consistant if we change coaches every year. Shurmer needs to figure it out. 4th quarter success comes with an up tempo offense and much less conservative gameplay. Start there.


Canโ€™t wait for a 6-10 season. Wait til next year!!! SSDY


    6-10? Where the wins coming from

    Slightly Above Average

    @SuperBot(hi) raiders, dolphins and chargers

    Santiago Bobadilla ortiz

    @Slightly Above Average nah the broncos are not to lose against the chargers and Raiders

MaskedPenguin 09


Bev inBoulder

Gee, you have a QB who feels comfortable in an up-tempo offense which is no surprise since he operated in one for 3 of his 4 seasons at Mizzou. Why wouldn’t you run that type of offense off the bat? ? ? ? I hate coaches/coordinators who try to force the players they have into their “system” instead of tailoring the system to the talent those players have.


I keep saying it every week but they need to limit Lock’s throws. He is routinely throwing 40+ times a game. That’s not a recipe for success. We need to be a smashmouth team and we are far from that. Throw in the defense playing bad and there is no complimentary football being played.


Bench lock for one game let me see something

    Conner Washington

    we will lose that game by a lot

    dustin hembre

    That’s the dumbest idea he already was out for the shoulder injury and damn well lock is better than driskel

Karyn Haines

If we could just start some hurry up offense vs whatever Shurmur is trying to do in the first half that would be great.

Kent Borges


Ryan Hamilton

Leave it to you to continue to bash drew lock Phil.. you’re getting on my nerves big time! When are you going to start stashing Pat Shurmur


    Shurmur doesnโ€™t over throw wide open guys wtf are talking about shurmur doesnโ€™t throw the ball of his back foot shurmur isnโ€™t the problem your so stupid

Nicholas Funk

๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’š๐’†๐’‚๐’“ ๐’Š๐’” 2023:



    Lmao so true thatโ€™s what they tell me all the time when I say lock sucks


We need a new OC and fix the line…. possibly another qb to

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