Nick Foles thrives under pressure in Atlanta | Thayer’s Playbook | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Seismic Gaming


Nobody Special

i guess im 2nd

Liverpool 4Life

Love these

Shorya Hasiza

I don’t see many qb’s making the throws that Nick Foles made in that 4th quarter comeback. He’s special and thrives when there is a good coaching system. I think this is his perfect opportunity to bounce back and we can become a real contender.

    Raymond Krawiec

    Shorya Hasiza , more than 3/4 of the QB’s in the NFL can make that throw , don’t fool yourself

    Shorya Hasiza

    Raymond Krawiec lol maybe im just not used to a qb with eyes and an arm

    Sam Lane

    Shorya Hasiza Bear down!!!!!!

    Derrick Ward

    Grossman/Orton era all over again?!?!

    Shorya Hasiza

    @Derrick Ward Def wouldn’t mind that lol


Trubisky vs blitz career: 54.05% Comp, 8 TD, 6 INT, 24 Sacks, 77.9 QB rating
Foles vs blitz career: 72.06% Comp, 6 TD, 0 INT, 6 Sacks, 125.7 QB rating
Brady vs blitz career: 57.93% Comp, 15 TD, 7 INT, 18 Sacks, 87.7 QB rating
Brees vs blitz career: 71.76% Comp, 22 TD, 2 INT, 16 Sacks, 120.5 QB rating


    saigonbond I’ll take Foles stats any day of the week and twice on Sunday, when a QB can read defenses while being blitzed at the same time makes him a more dangerous weapon for the offense. 👍


    Ill take Brees Stats be honest

    Kofi Ohemeng

    Where do you find these stats?


People are saying the Bears are the luckiest and worst 3-0 team of all time. Jokes on them because after Sunday they be saying the Bears are the luckiest and worst 4-0 team of all time.

    Grant Day

    @Derrick Ward sure they do nagy said foles is starting.

    Derrick Ward

    Grant Day ———> it’s the Grossman/Orton era all over again


    Nobody should care what they say. My eagles were 11-2 playing about 2 or 3 teams over .500 during that span in 2017. Won the Super Bowl……. with Nick Foles.


    @Derrick Ward My last comment is specifically for you after reading your comment.

    Derrick Ward

    neetrab ———> I hope he does incredible but I don’t wanna see you jumping ships (AGAIN!!!) in the next week or two.

Rock Davis

Yo this game with the Indianapolis Colts it’s going to be a big game for the bears let’s go Bear down 🏈 💪 💯

Tyrone Cage

The bears needs pick up some better offense line players if Nick Foles have enough time he’ll do much demages to any teams defense.

Unleashed War Robots

I couldn’t watch the qb…was too busy watching charles leno make lazy play after lazy play…he is the worst tackle in the league…he has got to go.

Raging Oracle

more pls.. this is gr8!

Mark Reading

I want the bears to win the Super Bowl with Nick Foles as their quarterback


    Lol keep dreaming bud i do to but its not going to happen

Sneaky Indian

Let me take Leno’s spot Ffs I could play patty cake with the defense also. They can just pay me minimum wage / hourly just on game days. Leno needs cut.

Skyler Harper


Kavan Puri

First play talked abt, Foles had an easy td bottom of the screen…


1:10 “Safely secure for a first down” didn’t look so safe to me

Brandon Campbell

Foles didn’t anticipate where the WR was going to be, he told Miller to be there.


CHICAGO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

forreal pat

We poppin. 3-0

“COPE with my DOPE” (track soon)
KING real


Why is Leno still in the NFL


This dude Nick Foles is building a legacy of coming back and saving teams from their demise. He is creating a new category…QB back up GOAT

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