Nick Foles Media Conference Call | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Nick Foles Media Conference Call | Chicago Bears

Listen in as new Bears quarterback Nick Foles meets with the media via conference call.

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Da bears

Ezra Schwartz

Looking forward to this season 🐻👇

Plug Drowning

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Zekethefreak 21

Foles+Chicago=Super bowl champs


    @Dae Dotfan19 Fluke. How’d he do after? I do believe Mutch outplayed him in that playoff game. Just admit it. Ryan Pace and Matt Nagy are amateurs in a pro sport.

    Dae Dotfan19

    @JAGWAH66 First of all the Jacksonville Jaguars is always been horrible. I can’t remember any time. They had a good record accept 2017.

    Dae Dotfan19

    @JAGWAH66 The Jacksonville Jaguars has been trash. Since 1995. They won 4 games and they lost 12. And they will 4th place in the AFC South then. And I used to watch them in the early 2000″s. And they were trash then.

    Dae Dotfan19

    @JAGWAH66 The Bears did better than Jacksonville.

    slither king

    He. Beat us then almost beat the next team but butter fingers Jeffers drop the fucking ball so he was going to the nfc chip but butterfingers dropped it so stfu

Bryce Draper


John Barnes

More trouble QB is on the way🏈

    Dae Dotfan19

    How ? He got his team to a Superbowl win. He may be able to do it for Chicago. Because I’ve been a Bears fan for a long time. I went to my very first Bears game. In my hometown of chicago.

silky johnson

Welcome to Chicago Nick!

    Chicago Sox Chicago Sox

    2005 Chicago white Sox…. But Bear Down


Let’s see how this goes. Not getting my hopes up.


I hope he wins the starting job. Then he’ll expose Nagy’s garbage offense and play calling. Watson and Mahomes must be thinking that they dodged a nuke by not getting drafted by the Bears.


    JAGWAH66 hey man Nagy and Trubisky both had a down year personally I want Trubisky to win it ofc as a die hard Trubisky fan but whoever wins it I’ll be happy with it and it foles wins it and does bad Trubisky come it and same for Trubisky.

    Zekethefreak 21

    JAGWAH66 It’s not the play calling the plays work fine if the offensive line can block if you go back and watch 2019 Mitch compared to 2018 you can see he had a lot more time to pass then in 2019


    @Zekethefreak 21 No, they didn’t work. Defenses knew exactly what was coming. It’s easy when you realize Nagy is too stupid and stubborn to run the damn ball. His offense is just a newer version of the Chuck and Duck.

    Andres Mireles

    He didn’t run the ball because the line wouldn’t block


    Jagwah66 just stop man, you are like all the other people that think you know football but you are just spitting out what everyone else is spitting out instead of looking into it deeper. It’s not Nagy dude, so stop… It was the offensive line, and injuries. Stop blaming people just because to point a finger. It’s not always 1 persons fault buddy, it’s a team… Learn some more football instead of blaming people, but it’s not true.

Brecon Morgan

Fearless Foles!! Bear down! 🐻⬇️

Pusha Tee

Foles will win the competition! Easy!

Mychal Williams

Great having you and your family coming to Da!! Bears!! Welcome and !BEARDOWN!


We need BOTH Nick and Mitch to be healthy and ready to play the BEST football of their life because if Pace doesn’t upgrade our O-Line, both QBs will be knocked out of games/miss games at times during the season. But honestly, I am confident that this QB duo is the best 2 Qbs we have ever had at the same time. If they both play at high levels, we can win a Superbowl this or next year, after that our D wont be the same so we gotta win now!


I already like the way he answers questions. No offense to Mitch, but he answers questions in singsong clichés.

Lino Kalayil

Welcome to Chicago BDN!

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