Nick Chubb: “If I’m not close to the endzone, I gotta get in no matter what.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Nicky Chubb

dj manning

Flat out beast

dj manning

Weve got to lock this man up


    But he didn’t do anything wrong!!

    Seth Porrini


    J Nic

    Ghost he may have meant to give him a contract and a LTD

Jarvis Juice

BEAST!!!! BEAST!!!!! BEAST!!!!!! BEAST!!!!!!

    Timmothy Napier


Hobin Smith

Mary kay needs to go.. wtf was that question


    Thats what i was thinking

    Big drew

    She’s annoying bro

    Timmothy Napier

    Stupid.. stuuuupid… STOOPID XD

    J Nic

    She always asks dumb questions


I love Nick’s interviews. Its like beastmode just with respect lol. Like I’m going to answer your question but it’s going to be a bland answer. I’m not giving you anything extra you’re looking for to put in the papers to twist

Deotti Spears

Chub you to modest lol say hell yeah you the best back in the league 😂😂😂


Mary Kay PLEASE RETIRE this has gone on for too many years.. If its not a condescending question or one that’s completely inappropriate, its one that is absolutely mind numbingly drawn out and stupid. Unreal that none of these players say anything smart back to some of her ridiculous questions she asks easily the worst reporter for any NFL team.. respect to the players character I wouldn’t even answer her anymore id just ask for the next question.

mike dixon

My guy the great Chubb

Captain Shadow Banned [formerly kasami bracer]

Hey Nick, can you like, you know, umm, just talk about how like some of the questions from us media, are just like so, you know, mind numbing and hard to fathom, you know what I mean? Like, do you umm, just kinda wanna say ‘next question’ instead of, you know, like trying to figure out how to respond to such, you know, umm, stuff like that?

James Willison

Man, I love Nick Chubb.

Seth Porrini

#ObnoxiousEditorializing 🤮

Rob reviews Tech

Chubb is as humble as anyone could be. This is the attitude of a winner. I hope Chubb stays in Cleveland his whole career. I’m finally happy to be a Cleveland Browns Fan.

Robert R.

Who hires these people??

Taylor Herbst

Mary k is terrible


Tough as nails running back. Keep up the good work Nick!

Jesse Marlow

Loved when chubb said nobody tells me how to run!

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