NFL Week 16 Preview Show: Game Picks & More! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
LIttle Liam 28 YT

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    KML Wiffle Ball


    Stan E

    Week 16 bro!! Hate on my picks all you want, here all year!!! Here we go!!!:

    Chiefs 38
    Falcons 24

    Bills 39
    Patriots 17

    Bengals 22
    Texans 16

    Browns 35
    Jets 14

    Colts 31
    Steelers 27

    Chargers 33
    Broncos 29

    Packers 27
    Titans 26

    Bears 34
    Jaguars 23

    Rams 24
    Seahawks 19

    Washington 23
    Panthers 20

    Eagles 28
    Cowboys 26

    Ravens 30
    Giants 17

    Funyuns Gaming Cove

    @Stan E as a steelers fan. These pics are nice

Brie Playz

I am praying the cheifs can pull out the win! – I bet they can

    KML Wiffle Ball

    Chiefs fan right here

    Evan Bloch

    Hey Brianna

Anthony MOYER


    KML Wiffle Ball


Ibrahim Teagan

Need lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

VFX وحش الخدع والافلام


Joshua Worsham

5th comment

    Stan E

    Week 16 bro!! Hate on my picks all you want, here all year!!! Here we go!!!:

    Chiefs 38
    Falcons 24

    Bills 39
    Patriots 17

    Bengals 22
    Texans 16

    Browns 35
    Jets 14

    Colts 31
    Steelers 27

    Chargers 33
    Broncos 29

    Packers 27
    Titans 26

    Bears 34
    Jaguars 23

    Rams 24
    Seahawks 19

    Washington 23
    Panthers 20

    Eagles 28
    Cowboys 26

    Ravens 30
    Giants 17


Ayyyyy I can’t wait

Levi DeVreese


Andres Torres

This women puts every game at a two point different

    Stan E

    Week 16 bro!! Hate on my picks all you want, here all year!!! Here we go!!!:

    Chiefs 38
    Falcons 24

    Bills 39
    Patriots 17

    Bengals 22
    Texans 16

    Browns 35
    Jets 14

    Colts 31
    Steelers 27

    Chargers 33
    Broncos 29

    Packers 27
    Titans 26

    Bears 34
    Jaguars 23

    Rams 24
    Seahawks 19

    Washington 23
    Panthers 20

    Eagles 28
    Cowboys 26

    Ravens 30
    Giants 17


She never give good predictions


She get paid to say anything atp 😂

    Stan E

    Week 16 bro!! Hate on my picks all you want, here all year!!! Here we go!!!:

    Chiefs 38
    Falcons 24

    Bills 39
    Patriots 17

    Bengals 22
    Texans 16

    Browns 35
    Jets 14

    Colts 31
    Steelers 27

    Chargers 33
    Broncos 29

    Packers 27
    Titans 26

    Bears 34
    Jaguars 23

    Rams 24
    Seahawks 19

    Washington 23
    Panthers 20

    Eagles 28
    Cowboys 26

    Ravens 30
    Giants 17


    Stan terrible predictions

Stan E

Week 16 bro!! Hate on my picks all you want, here all year!!! Here we go!!!:

Chiefs 38
Falcons 24

Bills 39
Patriots 17

Bengals 22
Texans 16

Browns 35
Jets 14

Colts 31
Steelers 27

Chargers 33
Broncos 29

Packers 27
Titans 26

Bears 34
Jaguars 23

Rams 24
Seahawks 19

Washington 23
Panthers 20

Eagles 28
Cowboys 26

Ravens 30
Giants 17

Monte Ryan


    Ethan Cuasay

    Seattle needs the 1st seed

    Trey Stawiarz

    I need Seattle too beat the rams so we get the 5th seed and play washington

    Ethan Cuasay

    @Trey Stawiarz I need the Titans and bears to beat the packers and the panthers to beat the saint and we need to beat the rams and niners. All of this makes us first seed

Krystle Stinson


    Dyablo Gaming

    way off

    Krystle Stinson

    @Dyablo Gaming dwane hasking is playing QB

Krystle Stinson

carina panthers keep pounding

    A slightly annoyed Chimichanga

    ah yes, the well known US state of “Carina”

    Krystle Stinson

    carolina i mean

Rick 666

STEELERS I have faith that you are champion of the NFL, I just hope you do not ruin it as usual, this game is key, you can steelers 💛🖤


Cynthia “he’s just so MASSIVE” Frelund

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