NFL Throwback: Chicago Bears defeat New Orleans Saints en route to the Super Bowl – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bear down πŸ»β¬‡οΈ let’s please go take these saints down Sunday


We should have had that Superbowl.

    B Asbury

    League wanted manning to get at least 1 ring… So there’s that


    @B Asbury definitely feels that way.

    B Asbury

    @omgitsjoshjames yeah I never used to think sports have agendas but they do if you really dig in to what happened when. Took a trip to Italy and the tour guide stated the fights at the coliseum were rigged to whatever the crowd was demanding. So if it happened thousands of years ago you damn well believe it’s happening now.


    @B Asbury facts

Andy Flores

Great memories. Have the Bears even combined for 39 points this season?? πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


    Well over

William Koscielniak

Just like these Bears that team had a Super Bowl defense. Unlike these Bears, they had an offensive line and running game, along with a coach who wasn’t afraid to run the damned football.

Wally Reyes

Really need that run game

Antonio Tate

damn this got me hyped we had a squad lets go bears πŸ»β¬‡οΈ

Michael Zorn

The days from even when we lost we put up 30 points.

Gaming with Joshua Pena

I wish we could see this type of performance this season

OG Skywalker

Man look at Olin and the boys up front so aggressive firing out and protecting. Like people always wonder why we made it so far with Rex other then the defense it was the o line man I miss these days.

Tim Kabatra

Ah, the memories. Back when we had an offensive line and a running game…….

    Victor A

    One day we’ll have a OL aand running game again. with the additional of a franchise QB

    Suheet S

    We have a running back just no oline

Muhammad Azar

I want that team back! Lol

Zaee OfficΓ­al



Man the bears should have had this SuperBowl… They were so good!!!

Ball Smack

Other than the suspect QB Grossman we had the *Complete Package*, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BALL!

I still have the 06′ DVD πŸ“€ ! Man were we ever A FORCE to be reckoned with!

Power, Speed in the backfield.
Ferocious DEFENSE.
Over Powering (Offensive Line)!
Lovie Smith, A no nonsense Coach who held his players accountable.
The best tandem of LineBackers in the game, Briggs and Urlacker!
Athletically gifted receivers. Strip Specialist Nate Vasher and Charles Peanut Tilman!
And who could ever forget our Special Teams play and the *ELECTRIC “DH” Devin Hester, The Baddest Kick Return Specialist to ever Play!!!!!

That SuperBowl πŸ† that year should have been ours, should have been a replica sitting in Halas Hall for all to see πŸ‘€ right now even to this day!

Gotta keep the faith! Us getting there can happen again and WE CAN FINISH THE DEAL, and take back what’s rightfully ours.

Bear 🐻 Down…..Chicago.

Zenith Bear

Sad we could’ve had this super team if we had a good Coach and GM who would actually try and help improve this team


GO BEARS!!! πŸ†πŸˆπŸ»


This defense was my favorite.


the good ol days

Random Replays

Remember when we had a good OL and running game but not a good qb like always? Good times bro


Back when the bears were actually good

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