NFL Pros Austin Ekeler and Kyle Van Noy Play Truth or Dab | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

NFL Pros Austin Ekeler and Kyle Van Noy Play Truth or Dab | LA Chargers

Welcome to the first Chargers Edition of the Hot Ones special, Truth or Dab. LA Chargers running back Austin Ekeler and linebacker Kyle Van Noy have two simple choices: Tell the truth, or suffer the wrath of the Last Dab. Watch as Sean Evans drills the NFL stars about everything from which pros in the league aren’t as tough as they seem, to who has the corniest signature celebrations, to which fanbase is the easiest to play in front of. Stay tuned to see more Bolts try to handle the heat as they take on the First We Feast special where the only way to escape the truth is to eat an incredibly spicy wing.



#LAChargers #Chargers #HotOnes


I now know why Austin was on injury report with stomach injury

    Richardtellez00 Tellez

    Lmao I said the same thing 😂😂


    Team doctors actually just stabbed him sadly

    Frank Sinatra

    Bubble guts are brutal

    Smooth Stu

    Damn you know why now? 🤔🤔 they shot this in August lmfaooooo


No way my two favorite things combined! Hot Ones and Chargers ⚡️⚡️⚡️



    Tyrell Henley

    I want to like your comment but its at 69 likes, so take my lyrical like.


    Dude SAME ⚡️⚡️⚡️



    Fresh Hawaii

    This was filmed before the season.

Angel Iglesias

SJD or Derwin would’ve been hilarious for this


JESUS we can get California out of a drought with all of Ekelers sweat 😂

    Eydie E



    Throw in the rock and it’ll happen lol

    Jeremiah Gentleman


    S G

    I love it. 🤣🤣

Reilly Steel

I LOVE THISSS!! The absolute opposites was sooo good in this!! My boy ask was going through ittt 😂😂

Chris Islas

My two favorite things combined 😂⚡⚡

Anthony ToTo

Omg they really brought Hot Ones to the Chargers??!! Hahaha Love to see it!! Austin is showering himself out there😂😂😂 and thank you Sean for the amazing questions again. Get Justin to Hot Ones next time😎😎😎

Márton Mikó

Austin developped the Niagara falls on his head in like 3 seconds. Poor fella, gotta love the dedication tho

Damian O

Austin looked like he just finished a game holy hell lmao

Michael Kawashima

man I love Kyle! Dude is good energy and so animated

Illest-Rated Abilitys

i loved this so much .. haven’t laughed this hard in a while .. Ek had me crackin up

Anthonie Weyland

Can we extend Van Noy’s contract based solely on being a good team mate and cool at that ! 🤣


EK is fighting for his life😂😂😂

Guillermo Abrego

I love that they did this 😂 love the show and how the boys lived up to the challenge ⚡️⚡️


Seeing Austin sweat more from a hot wing than he does while playing in the NFL is hilarious.

Great Dane

Lmfao Ek’s face as the heat is kickin in and the question is being asked 😂😂 concussion protocol after that bite


I love how everything is just rolling along and Ek is lost in another dimension once that heat kicked in lol.

Jake Large

Ek was crackin me up dude, his face of instant regret after that wing was pure gold

henry hu

Never thought I’d ever have the chance to see my TWO favorite things together! Great episode Sean, GO BOLTS

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