NFL Players Race in Mario Kart Deluxe | Pass the Sticks – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Noah Ochman

When is Herbert going to be on one of these


    I don’t really want him to do this during the season I want him to worry about being the best quarterback he can be not video games. We all see what happened to Michael Badgley his kicking this season arguably the worst kicker in the NFL all he’s done his interview his teammates and play video games. They get paid good money for a reason focus on their position not video games. My personal opinion, there’s a whole offseason for it that’s all…

    Noah Ochman

    @FillHerGuts True but after the season


    @Noah Ochman we still got one long week lol

Emiliano Nunez


Emiliano Nunez


SD Fishin

Best linebacker on the team

    Legend_ 21

    @Peter Griffin they started using everyone right at the end of the season bro. My problem is that our record would be totally different if our coaches weren’t so stubborn and trusted our players and played them the right way before things got this bad with our team and record. I’m happy we’re winning now, but it’s also frustrating because we could’ve been doing this all season smh

    RobertWas Here

    @Legend_ 21 Notice how every reply you did had at least 1 smh

    Legend_ 21

    @RobertWas Here yea cuz I was typing off my laptop and couldn’t use any emojis like I usually do💀…is that a problem?

    RobertWas Here

    @Legend_ 21 Nope, just pointing that out. lol

    Legend_ 21

    @RobertWas Here oh ok lmao💀💯




Why is Denzel wearing Usps gear?😂

    Nathan Marquardt

    Side hustle

RobertWas Here

We going up against the Super Bowl 14-1 Chiefs and we doin’ this? P E R F E C T.


    We are playing Chad Henne

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