NFL players make statements on possibility of sitting out games, react to Jacob Blake shooting – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Jacob blake was not innocent lol

    Scott Spencer

    No one in this country is innocent over the age of 20 !

    Tim C

    @Wat er you shoot until the threat is neutralized.

    apatura legendary

    none of these guys are…. and they’re on drugs 90% of the time and have rap sheets too

    Scott Spencer

    Ok I said 6 or so years ago cops need to carry 2 hand guns 1 with rubber bullets 1 with with live rounds and make the 1 with rubber bullets color coded pink so as not to fire the 1 with live rounds !!


This is crazy


    Not as crazy as so called Americas team kneeling during our anthem and flag


    @†RVSTY TEVSPOON† all I’m gonna say is that it had nothing to do with the flag


    @Dxcsn which is no longer true


*Listening to Patrick Mahomes is like listening to Trae Young talk*

    RITA ! 20 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    C Longo

    Nah Kermit the Frog

    Samuel Berhanu

    Blaze duh

    Henry Smith

    Basketball is Garbage.🙂

    Stephen Raftery

    Who the Hell do these people are??
    Shut up!!!✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️


They sit out this year then I am never buying another nfl product. Take politics out of my sports. This is garbage

    James Taylor

    Idk man you can’t be that big a fan if you’d stop watching all together just because one year they sat out in protest.


    @James Taylor It’s been years of politics being injected into the NFL people are burnt out from it. The announcers spend first half hour talking politics and who is kneeling or not, takes away from the actual message.


    i’ll be happy to see u go 🙂


    Fine, then let’s also get rid of the national anthem and all of the worship of the military. Sports have been political for longer than you realize pal. Maybe you should push for more black representatives in government if you want to stop the burden being placed on sports players. In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans. Guess which party supports the protests?

    David Lazarus

    Then ban the national anthem at matches. It’s only played because of a payment from the department of defence as part of their recruiting program.

The Second Mexican Empire


    Stone Heart

    China runs sports in America. Lol.


    @Stone Heart aka Nike

    apatura legendary

    what a tool…. is that a girl or a guy anyway??? idiots wearing masks that dont do a dammnn thing and standing side by side…. no social distance whatsoever. fools!! 😆😆😆

David Esselborn

Oh I won’t be able to sleep at night

    Joe Jones


Michael Caywood

First dislike of The New York Giants video. YES! YES! YES!

    Jimmie Johnson 48 Champion

    Damn, I didn’t know you’d stumble here. Also, this technically isn’t a New York Giants video.

    Kool Klass

    You must not get out often…



    Fred B

    Lmao a giant fan who just disliked a video… I’m assuming you haven’t seen new York sports in decades!

    Dannydimes Jones

    shutup you have like no life

ThE-JoKeR_ 201

Yess…. sitting out a FOOTBALL GAME solves racism…… these ppl are out of touch

    Derrick Smith

    biscuit  yes it would be

    Mark El

    I’m just gonna play madden sundays. I don’t need lectures from hypocrites

    ThE-JoKeR_ 201

    Mark El simulated games and watch that lmao

    PinkyXCute-ROBLOX PG-13

    joker and the rest of yall in the reply section yall srsly dont get it

    ThE-JoKeR_ 201

    PinkyXCute-ROBLOX PG-13 you say I don’t get it but offer nothing in response…

steven jones

Then give your millions away

JH 22

4:04 they are silent bc Jacob Blake wasn’t innocent. They CAN’T express there true opinion publicly bc they will get canceled/blasted by the internet and probably lose sponsorships and their job.
So they just sit silent.

    Garrett Williams

    maria smay I thought the same thing lol


    maria smay sorry i was misguided


    JH 22 I’m ignorant for protecting a man that was shot 7 times in the back? lmao . Okay bot.

    Charly Lucky

    @JaviianNyB, he’s dead?


    Charly Lucky nah I thought he was

Terra Firma

Tom Brady is a football player, not a social justice warrior.

Christian Erickson

I see a boycott coming #boycottnfl.

    Rock Climber

    Never again NFL is dead…..

    Charly Lucky

    Please! Just do it. Boycott. Don’t care.

Randy Savage

i can’t speak truth but if i cuss you out that stays?


This would be a career-ending decision

Richy 12zzz

This is why it’s so important not to allow politics into your work place and allow your employees to do what they want. it’s jus bad business. If the NFL is smart, they will tell their players that if they don’t play out their contracts, they can’t ever come back into the NFL. Players will think twice if their livelihoods are on the line. A business is not a charity, you don’t get free handouts. You have to earn it!

harry dixson

BLM has been around for a while now. What have they actually done to end racism? All I see is more violence and destruction.

    Davii 84

    700+ mil in property damage, 1400+ arrests, 50+ civilian deaths and 900+ officer casualties but for sum reason the news protects these ppl and calls them peaceful

    Daniel Sadowy

    @Zeus Mob Exactly….racism will always be here, because there are different races in the world, it’s that simple. One happy world for everyone is something that’s not gonna happen. And our generation is the same as many of thousands before us, we are not special. This will end only with a war, as always 🙂

    Zeus Mob

    @Daniel Sadowy reading your comment made me happy brother because the closer we get to election time to more we silent majority start taking action! Like minded people let me know i am not alone and that we are infact not outnumbered like the liberal Communist cnn and other media outlets would have us believe! God bless you and yours Dan

    Daniel Sadowy

    @Zeus Mob Unfortunately (well, maybe thank god) i’m not from the USA so i can just watch. I’m from the middle of Europe, but these opinions like ours are still kinda majority here, atleast among many people i know. And what happen in the USA especially in the big media sources just blows my mind and it’s kinda sad. And these hardcore liberals and neomarxists are the true cancer. Good luck to you.


    Reminder that the people spearheading this movement don’t have a working definition of racism. It’s whatever white people do to inconvenience a black person. It’s a way to excuse an entire group of people’s actions for the collective guilt of white people. Remember that.


Then don’t sign with Nike you think they care about social injustice for the sweatshop workers

    harry dixson

    Lol they deleted my comment about China.

    Fred B

    Social media is the devil according to your president, and yet you’re on it.


    Fred B are you assuming I’m a Trump supporter or something?

    Jesse LeBlanc

    Maybe just sit out the rest of ur careers then just for kicks come and see what real work looks like just maybe all pro sports should end then we can get back to playing a game because we enjoy it not because the money is great its hard to tell sometimes if a pro team showed up at all


    Fred B Trump 2020

Crypto Bunny

I will laugh when they realize they won’t be getting paid

    T Rocka

    Yea listen to what Conley said, he said that changed minds lol. It’s true tho, you see how virtuous athletes are when it hits the pocket book.


    dude what the heck is wrong with you

    T Rocka

    KratosweamPlaysRoblox what is wrong with him? You miss what Conley said? He basically said once it’s next man up and the NFL will find people to replace them, they not big on the message anymore. More like what’s wrong with the virtue signaling athletes who only like to virtue signal when they get the spot light and paid.. same with Kaep, he made more money out the NFL virtue signaling. It shouldn’t be about money, right?

Clint Pot

Bullying Brady. Will you cancel Brady if he chooses to do his job instead of politicize his job?

    Fred B

    Asking him to talk does not make it bullying. Will you shoot every black guy if the talk? (Using your skewed logic)


    @Fred B your an idiot.

Braxton Ladner

Nothings gonna happen no matter who speaks, where’s the war cry for David Dorn?🤷🏼‍♂️


    Fox News is giving a war cry for him.

    Braxton Ladner

    man22 Where’s BLM? black lives matter right? Hypocrites that’s what blm is, they only care when it fits the narrative. It’s all a political statement



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