NFL Network’s Peter Schrager Anticipates A Big Year From QB Sam Darnold | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Andrew Piercey

get those tds sam!

Sean Johnson


    First Last

    All lives matter

John Pratt

That’s right


2020 stats: 4000 yds / 30 tds / 12 int’s

    Erik Ibarra

    Man that would de awesome. He’ll take that leap into superstar potential.

    James Watson

    Boy I’d be happy with that

    Steven Rondina

    3400yds /28/11 is what I’m thinking he’ll get. Hopefully he has a full season

NFL Nate

yes sir

JJ Maryles


Max is NY Jets

I’m a Jets fan and I thing Darnold will throw 27 TDs and 11 Interceptions. I also believe that Sam Darnold will break out in fantasy football this year.

Grove Peate

Have watch both Giants and Jets practice so far.Giants are so well oiled with Garret and his line coach from the cowboys.Night and day over the Gase walking wounded squad.Gase has a history of leading the league in IR players as he did last year.Time to fire training staff.Im a jet fan since 62.Yes 75 yrs and tired of hype.

    Michael Citarella

    Grove Peate I have so much respect for you and I only hope that my 15 years will turn around soon


He’ll throw 4,000 28 TDs and 14 INTs Let’s go!!!!!! So stoked for NFL this year. Especially with how bad 2020 has been to most people.


I’m a huge believer in Sammy. 10000% think he will be one of the best QB’s in the league. However, Devil’s Advocate here, Isn’t it obvious that his teammates and coaches will throw praise around their QB? Even if it’s only his third yr he just turned 23.

Evan Wallman

2020 Stats 4100yds, 29 TDs, 11 INTs

Evan Wallman

If EVERYTHING clicks on the o-line, Perriman is a true number 1 WR. Mims has 800 yards 8 TDs, Bell is back to his former self. Sam Darnold will win MVP

    James Watson

    People really underestimate Perriman but in reality he’s an upgrade


As a Jets fan, let me just warn everyone to temper your expectations. I’m hoping for a big year out of Darnold too, but all these comments predicting 4000+ yards and 30 TDs… I just don’t know with Gase as the coach, and an unproven O-line and receiver corps. I want this season to be great for us too, but don’t let yourself down by expecting stuff like that. Remember last season’s hype.

Thereal One

Ok Peter I see you 👀💯 I like your thinking. LUV!

Paul Vella

Dude, no sure thing… Bellichick is always a sure thing… Patriots got a ton of draft picks! LIke 10 picks… There will be 3-4 rookies from this year’s draft that will do well. Just watch… Bellichick’s system is more than any players, and watch Cam Newtom!!!


“Let’s Go” Why Not Us!!💥


4500 31 TD 9 INT


If you hang the Mona Lisa in a crack den, it’s not gonna look that nice until you clean the place up and get rid of the squatters. That’s my analogy for Darnold and the Jets. Darnold and Joe Douglas are positives. Let’s not run them out of town


6000 yds / 53 TDs / 5 ints

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