NFL Highlights | Trevor Lawrence vs. Jets in Week 16 | Jacksonville Jaguars – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mr. Anonymous

He Played Pretty Good In The Pocket, Had Better Passing Game Then Zach, But Not A Better Rushing Game

Max Hill

Super star


You know who had more highlights when they lost gardner minshew

    Upstart Crow

    You know who had better receivers, a better running game, and a better head coach when they lost? Gardner Minshew.

    Deven Mellor

    @Upstart Crow makes me wonder if we could have built around minshew. Instead, we tore the roster down again after the 2019 season and lost key guys like ngakoue so no wonder why we went 1-15 to get Trevor…

Casanova Frankenstein

I want the jags to do a 180° turn around from this year, no more bad seasons!!!



    Alphonso Dyer

    Boy move like a fullback in the 80s lmao

Albert Robinson

Does anyone else feel like Trevor could have ran it into the end zone on that last play?

    Kareem Rivers

    Yeah he said it himself after the game.

    Upstart Crow

    Trevor could be such a good scrambler if he took more chances. I think the staff taught him to play safe after throwing so many interceptions and fumbling so much, but he seems to be playing too safe. Trevor came in throwing 2-3 TD’s a game, and 2-3 int a game. Now he’s throwing 0-1 TD’s, and 0-1 int. He needs to be encouraged to take chances on the run and throwing.

Michael Nagarathinam

Imagine what Trevor could do with legit receivers…

    The Kustms

    Throw more than 1 td in 8 games?

    Lor Kyaun

    tavon austin damn near did everything didn’t drop a pass and trevor missed him wide open in the endzone

    Collin Ormsbee


    Collin Ormsbee

    wilson is doing better with reciver who cant catch other then me

Kareem Rivers

Go Jags!

John Hires

Go Jags!
Robinson ,🙏 good luck to your recovery, I hope you have a speedy recovery, chin up !

Deven Mellor


Collin Ormsbee

Zach is the better QB!!!

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