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〘 r k 〙

Not postponing this game would have been ridiculous.
Fans knew it. Local media knew it. National media knew it.
Players & staff especially knew it. Postponing was the right choice.

    Jonas Music

    The game has been postponed to Monday 5 PM. Not sure if you know that yet


    Dude did not even watch the first seconds of the video

    〘 r k 〙

    @BussinBlaney Or I was just stating the obvious and agreeing with the postponement. 🧠


    @〘 r k 〙 it’s too late to cover it up

    Edward Gaines

    @BussinBlaney You’re starting to act like Baby Bop, man!


Someone betting big money on raiders.

Edward Gaines

Let’s face it. Browns were never going to beat Green Bay. Even if the week gets shortened, it’s worth it to get this W instead. Much more doable!

    Nacho Lizard

    Exactly what I was thinking

Tammie A

C’mon man lest stand behind them!! Don’t count them out!! Let’s go BROWNIES!!

Tim Michaels

So when more false positives hit on Monday, or the Raiders show positive, then what?

Jen A

LETS GOOOOOO!!!! Don’t give them an inch!!!!

Ronald Cash

If the Cleveland browns Team works hard, and works together as a team, they can beat the Raiders.
Can not blame the quarterback, or point fingers at one player, it’s the team and they must concentrate on Winning the game.

Ronald Cash

We are rooting for you Cleveland Browns, go and beat the raiders, then concentrate on Winning next opponent.


This is when the browns play well with a big disadvantage


Raiders eager to lose today

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