Next Gen Stats: The Ravens Five Fastest Ball Carriers 2020 Season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Next Gen Stats: The Ravens Five Fastest Ball Carriers 2020 Season

The Ravens five fastest ball carriers so far in the 2020 season.

Ravens back in action at New England Sunday on Sunday Night Football.

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It was a ez comeback 😎

Derival Kyro

Free duvernay

Bishop Chapman


Isaiah Singletary

Man I love Duvernay

Jaykombatzz Gaming

Im pretty sure I speak for all my ravens fans when I say we want to see duvernay a lot more. Am I right?

    Andre Myers

    Yeah more Duvernay….

    Bean Blower


    Ron Edward

    Yes! Yes! Yes! But, at least they finally came to their senses and started using Dobbins more. Hopefully Duvernay is next.

    Logan Eades

    @Ron Edward only because ingram was injured

    Ron Edward

    @Logan Eades But now that they’ve seen what he and Edwards can do, I think Ingram is going to play a lesser role going forward. He’s older and more injury prone.

LIL Broomstick 2001


Athletic Monsta

Speed kills✌🏿🏃🏿💨💯

Quali McPherson

That makes total sense Hollywood,Lamar, duvernay which are our fastest players

    Alex Nava

    Yes bruh I feel like he could be lethal for deep balls and jet sweeps

    Quali McPherson

    @Alex Nava I can agree I think we have one of the worst OC in the league he doesn’t know how to come up with plays that lets our offense reach its full potential


    Not to sound like a Roman apologist, but I have to defend him a little bit here. You can’t just run sweeps or give the ball to your fastest player all the time and expect it to always work. It has to be done at the right time. The Chiefs, Colts, and Steelers have fast defenses — those ‘gimmick’ plays wouldn’t work against them. Chiefs and Steelers used them against us because our defense was missing several players.
    The other key issue is you have to fix Lamar before you try _anything_ like this. If defenses don’t respect him throwing, they’ll key on the run no matter who gets it. Hopefully the second half of the Colts game did that. But we as fans have come here before and complained, “Oh, Hollywood was wide open! Why didn’t Lamar throw it to him?!” You just can’t blame Roman for that.
    Once we get back to being the offense we were last year, I’m *sure* we’ll see more of those plays you’re talking about, because the defense will actually need to respect Lamar throwing, opening up all kinds of options for us.

    Quali McPherson

    @matrixphijr I’m not saying that’s specifically what he should do I’m just saying he should create more opportunities for our best players and do a better job of play calling for instance he’ll do a run play on first and second down and we’ll only get 2 yards out of both carries then expect Lamar to complete a big pass on 3rd he needs to trust Lamar Jackson more in the passing game because Lamar is a great passer in my opinion he has accuracy and an amazing deep ball……utilize our players with speed more like the chiefs do and we’ll be better off


    @Quali McPherson Yes, absolutely. I’m sorry if it sounded like I was specifically responding to you, because there are a lot of people (in this comment section, but also just about everywhere) expressing the same sentiment. I see “GET THE BALL TO DUVERNAY/BROWN MORE!” all the time, and it’s like, “Whoa, slow down there. It’s not that easy.”
    Sweeps are essentially gimmick plays in that you’re relying more on fooling the defense rather than actually getting everyone blocked. If you don’t actually fool them, which you’re not likely to after… well, _once,_ it’s not going to succeed.
    Yes, we do need to do a better job in the passing game, but the lack of success there this season is mostly on Lamar, not Roman. Jackson has had opportunities to complete easy passes, or make decisions that _don’t_ lead to turnovers, and so far, he hasn’t done a very good job of it. Granted, some of that also falls on his receivers (like Andrews) for dropping a lot of would-be completions. But the point is, Roman can call the best passing play there is, but it won’t work if the QB and WR don’t actually complete the right pass.

Ethan Sharpe

Duvernay need to be more involved. He always makes plays. In general the wrs need to be more involved to compete with other teams.

-Z3us -

Why have we barely used our speed


    That’s what I’m saying


    Because Greg Roman insist w the same run heavy attack from last yr.

    Chaney 2227

    @Mo3Bandz your dumb we don’t run

Robert Whiteford

Duvernay has so much potential. We need to run more jet sweeps with him

    Chaney 2227

    That the thing they need to stop doing

    King Kane

    Screen pass would work better especially against blitzing teams (most of the nfl) Lamar being a run first qb would sell it easily

    Chaney 2227

    @King Kane yea

Ravens Reign

Why aren’t we using Duvernay more? Put him and hollywood, and Andrews together on the field allot more. It’ll help the passing game. What happened to our 3 TE sets aswell? We killed it with that.

    Kevin S Lim

    We only have 2 TE.


Duvernay kinda fast ngl. Get that man some reps on offense. No way defenses are covering him like Hollywood

    Jordan Gilmor

    ya he kinda fast. not gonna lie hes a lil fast

Ron Edward

They need to steal some plays from Andy Reid to take advantage of some of that speed.

    Lamar Dansby

    Never going to happen with shitty Greg Roman.

Kevin S Lim

More Duvernay please. Sprinkle some Dez on there too. THANKS!!!!

DJ Stolba

need to use duvernay in the pass game, very rarely has drops, and crazy speed

B-DuB 813

I need more playaction down the field to Brown, Duvernay and Boykin.

    Dan Wolf

    Um not boykin

    B-DuB 813

    @Dan Wolf Boykin is underrated.

    Dan Wolf

    @B-DuB 813 no he isn’t lol

wewo2324 god

hello EA


So is it common sense I suggest having Lamar brown and duverney on the field at the same time, and not just for some trick play or screen pass? Like I don’t know, have multiple deep routes called on 1 play instead of having just one?

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