New Orleans Saints Week 13 Practice Report vs Buccaneers 12/1/2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

New Orleans Saints Week 13 Practice Report vs Buccaneers 12/1/2022

Team reporter Erin Summers breaks down all of the New Orleans Saints news from Thursday, Dec. 1 ahead of the team's Week 13 game on Monday Night Football against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers during the 2022 NFL season.
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The fact we have 15 players on the injury report is insane

    Casual Food Enjoyer

    yeahh it might be a tough one to pull off but if we get this qe can win next week too


Were making the playoffs doe watch

Mythra Pi

Why do we not get a report from DA as to why AD is still starting when he plainly said IF the offense does well. Well is not Zero points last week. A QB is based on win loss and AD has proved so far he’s lost twice as many games as he won. Give Jameis at least a try and if not explain why he lost his job. It can’t be on performance. JW has a higher win percntage than AD as a Saints starting QB. How many lost ticket sales is it going to take to bench this loser?

    Louise lockett

    @Kwasi Jenkins obviously not. I certainly have seen enough of Jameis Winston.

    Kwasi Jenkins

    @Joy Bischoff Ok; well you need to tell that to DA because no one else sees it the way you do.

    Joy Bischoff

    @Kwasi Jenkins Hahaha that’s so funny. You haven’t been listening to almost all of sports media or the massive amount of comments on Twitter and other social media. Thousands of people are saying this. You’re behind the times. Last year all the cool kids hated Taysom. This year the irrational, biased haters are over it. Get with the times.

    Kwasi Jenkins

    @Joy Bischoff Again, tell it to DA because he doesnt seem to see it your way either.

    Joy Bischoff

    @Kwasi Jenkins Enough censure right there. DA has an irrational hatred for Hill. He is a horrible head coach so I would be shocked if he agreed with the majority of media and fans out there. TV announcers talk about it all the time. You’re living in the dark ages. Leave the hate behind.

Jake Seaunier



Am so mad at my saints. why they do jameis so wrong, Dennis Allen need to go asap. when we lose Monday night . zero points last Sunday defense playing like they want a ring while the offense playing backyard football without any rules

    Weekend at Biden's

    I’m so happy with my Saints and Coach Allen for benching that P.O.S. Winston. He is so stupid he still supporting the team when they told his dumb azz they wanted to sign Deshaun Watson and then benched his stupid AZZ yet he still sticking around. LMAO. I cannot wait for them to cut his stupid AZZ so his stupid fanatic fan girls can follow him right out of NOLA. I love the Saints and Coach Allen for an awesome move of benching him. I noticed you never said anything about Kmara dumb AZZ for those two fumbles that cost us the game or dumb AZZ Harris for all the penalties.


    @Weekend at Biden’s they can go too

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