New Defensive Mindset, Bucs Sign Perriman and Fells to Practice Squad | Bucs Insider – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Coaching needs to improve.

    mary atkinson

    Duh😂😂😂funny thing most don’t get the connection that The Bucs struggle more or lose when they face great head coaches. McVay! Payton! Belichick! Don’t think I have ever seen one of them interview with a cocktail in hand. Discipline!!! It starts at the top!

    Vincent Inchoco

    @mary atkinson we should allow Brady more latitude in running the offense . Like the Saints game they should just aim for a field goal .


D.WHITE has had big plays but they’ve been FFFED BY PENALTIES

    joe filipelli

    White has severely regressed this year.. too many missed tackles and dumb penalties are killing him and this team

Jeff savebyGrace

Thanks 😊

K Flowers

A couple tickets please and thank you 🙂


Fells is good. Little known fact, he went to UC Irvine, which does not have a football program.

    Wishing B

    Yeah, it is interesting that he started off playing professional basketball. He has averaged over 3 TD’s each year over 7 years. He had a really good year in 2019 and had a 44-yard touchdown reception last season.

    J D

    @Wishing B Not sure how much game he has left, but he was a starting tight end in the NFL.

    Wishing B

    @J D He was able to score a 44-yard TD last season. I think he is good decision. The fact that they can’t elevate some of the practice players anymore, they had to do something to be protected for the final push.

    J D

    @Wishing B Do I sound like I’m taking the opposite position?

    Wishing B

    @J D Nope. Do I sound like I am taking the opposite position?

david selawsky

D sux bc back end cant cover long enough. Chain rxn.

david selawsky

Discipline needs to improve

    Roarbert Bearatheon

    Guys on D need to wrap up. Every play 1-2 tacklers just slipping off. Pass rush needs to land, hardly any sacks so far zero impact from that sector. D is just not the same

    david selawsky

    @Roarbert Bearatheon pass rush cant get there bc back end cant cover anyone for more than 2 sec. Chain rxn. Yes, agree w you that our tackling has been so bad. Pass coverage technique and fundamentals are bad too. Hate to say it but w our offensive losses and our D this year, repeating could b an impossibility. Guys dropping like flies. In practice too!? I mean why are guys out so long for some of these injuries ? Idk. Hope they wake up and have urgency to get out there.

    Roarbert Bearatheon

    @david selawsky offense apart from that pats game has been serviceable. But the D? I was expecting more after that playoff run last year, but they’re banged up and as you say, I’m not seeing the urgency on D either. Feels like they should be doing way way more each game considering what they got done last year and what guys we got

    david selawsky

    @Roarbert Bearatheon totally agree and thats what i see also. Taking it forgranted coming back whenever. They claim this guy doesnt need to be back forvthis game and that game!? Its crazy. No urgency at all to get better on D. Or return guys asap. Guess will need another wake up call in a L. To one of these weaker teams. Maybe wash or Giants w do it.

Kenneth Sarvis

😱🤤Madden22 wide out 🤬 ✍️🧾

Kenneth Sarvis

Gm 💪🏿🖐🏾🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙


Perriman was official when he was with us,but fell off after we let him go

mary atkinson

Don’t really get these signings but I have faith in Jason Licht as GM!!!

    joe filipelli

    Because gronk and AB are hurt more than is being said… brees had a similar injury as gronk last year and he was out 11 weeks or something like that… and Godwin is now hurt

    mary atkinson

    @joe filipelli yea😕i just watched Arians interview about i injuries. Didnt know Godwin is hurt and didn’t realize AB’s injury was gonna keep out for longer also. Gronk should not have came back fot The Saints. As long as we don’t underestimate our opponents we will be fine until they come back for tougher teams.

    Adam Beasley

    Jason Licht gets paid the big bucks to do whats best for the team..

    mary atkinson

    @Adam Beasley he earns his money too😍😍

    Willie Wilcox

    You just don’t know football then my boy


We had several opportunities to pick up defensive backs but failed to do so in our greatest area of need – why???

    Mike Smith

    Maybe they didn’t find anyone they like and the fact that Sherman is coming back but I hope they don’t rush him before he gets back in game shape because they’ll need him late in the year.

Cain ishere

Go Bucs

Mike Bastoni

Brady and company will be in superbowl again

    joe filipelli

    I’d like to believe that but it’s not likely to happen… too many injuries and the defense is as soft as warm butter

David Smith

AB,Gronk,Davis all out for awhile. Perriman had a good end of season when he was here last but very much a back up joining Darden and Mickens as a vet presence. Would have liked another CB


    Mickens ain’t on the team

    David Smith

    Ah, thought he was still practise squad . I could see them signing him again if rules allow .

g sell

Reading expert GM comments this morning. 🤭😂

Dan Peters

Are the penalties real? I saw a lot of officials ignoring opponents penalties and giving BUCs some questionable penalties.

    Paul Cowart

    AB must have gotten hurt at practice That suxx

    Stephanie Zimbalist

    Yes they’re real Dan. If you go back to week 1 & 2 , even though they won big, there was a lot of sloppiness and a lack of discipline. It was the reason why I knew that we would lose to the Rams.

Michael Wingo

Yeah when Evans and Godwin were both hurt he really stepped up and shined

AC Cridelich

One game at a time.

Stephanie Zimbalist

I was very concerned to hear some members make comments like “well that’s just me” and or ” We only have two losses” IMO those type of comments sound selfish, immature and nonchalant. I am heartened to hear that the defensive guys got together and talked about expectations and responsibilities.

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