Ndamukong Suh on New Contract: ‘Tampa Was Always the Ultimate Goal’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Seacock Nanny

We got Big Girl back! Sue is a force of nature and from what I can tell a fascinating individual. Fire the cannons!

    Shiva Ho

    Johnny Cash is smiling right now!

BetaRay Comics

Aaron Rodgers is the one dislike.

    Estate of Meredith

    After A-arod did he little discount double check belt pose Suh went into savage mode. I loved the 15-yard penalty he gave up then came back the very next play to hit Arod again. Watch the Pat McAfee show with A-Rod after our regular season win. A-rod is one cool dude and I had a ton of respect for him after that interview.

    Suh plays with intensity and intelligence and has been a big part of Vea’s development and Gholstons fierce intensity and I expect Khalid Davis to develop into a very solid rotational player.

    This is a special special team with the perfect mix of dedicated seasoned vets and young talented players.

    Good job Licht and the rest of the front office for working it out. Go Bucs!

Rick Butor

What a class individual. Thanks for choosing the Buccs again. All good when Suh is in the house.

Mellow NES Superstar

Man doesn’t have the best history but a fierce competitor and a great leader. Super excited to have him back and for this season! LFG Bucs!

    Cody Vandal

    he seems like he’s matured a lot

    Mellow NES Superstar

    @Cody Vandal Completely agree. Just an emotion filled big man that puts it all out there.

The Truth


Michelle Ezeugo

Welcome back


Great dad! Beast on the line! Stoked for this next season!

Mena Skywalker


Brian Peekeekoot

You Da Man!!!!

Anna Fraley

Good interview, Smart guy, knows his craft well ✅

Sourabh Kasam

Hopefully Tampa drafts a dt so suh can teach them he’s a freaking beast

Todd Dillon

Huge resign. He opens up for Shaq and JPP. Oh and let’s not forget Vita Vea.

    debra sartini

    Vital piece

    Anthony Kobiec

    Fearsome Foursome Redux.

Mr. Smith

I have to get a Suh jersey for this year

Kawe'a Akuna

Such a “PRO” off the field👍A N I M A L ON💀😁 Congrats! “BIG GURL” not that I would call you that anywhere in your vicinity😂 Unless I was standing behind VEA💪 I ❤ being alive👁hahaha…can’t wait for 56 in LA! Already reserved a cweet✌hope NE is in the final❤jes watching TB after the burial greet Belichick will be priceless😎 Godspeed😇

Ben Vasilinda

Suh has really changed his playing around even before the Bucs. He played tuff and clean while with the Rams and then while with the Bucs. His leadership has really stepped up and he has become a player that newer players could look up too. He puts in the work and he deserves to enjoy earning his ring.

Mike Mattimore


Wishing B

Congratulations on the twins! Looking forward to the season!

Malakali M

Suh demands respect, I agree 😖

Miles Gentry


Mario Salvatierra

Wishing you a healthy and productive season. Go Bucs!

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