Naval Academy’s Malcolm Perry sits down with Travis Wingfield | Miami Dolphins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
JTO Highlights

Need to know his jersey number so I can get a jersey

    David Herrera

    JTO Highlights #6

Chris Scars

Anchors aweigh my boy…anchors aweigh!


I used to live at the naval academy and my dad was a sports docter so ive watched alot of his games. I feel like hes an underated player cuz he has so many cuts and jukes. im so happy for him rn

    Bryson Floyd

    I have a good feeling about this player for the future


    @Bryson Floyd me too

Franklin Smith

Iā€™m happy to have this one… especially because Iā€™m Ex-Navy HOOYAH!

Vicent BR

I’m so hype with this Guy!! Run Perry run!!!

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