Nathaniel Hackett: ‘[Pat Surtain II] is an unbelievable football player’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Rayyan Hijazi

This will be a great Game.HopeFully we get Baron Browning back

Rayyan Hijazi

This game will decide everything how our season will go


    You can say that about every game, and the reality is that we stand practically no chance to make the playoffs. This season is now about building and improving.

    Yousir Cantknow

    The Season has been over since the Raiders game.

    Rayyan Hijazi

    @OberynRedViper Yeah agreed but i still have some hope

    Johnny O

    ​@Yousir Cantknow *Correction Week 1

    Andrew A

    @Johnny O correction, pre-season game 1

Hannibal Bean

Hate this coach. Same talk every week.

    Andrew A

    you go from pete the cheat (literally) to a noob.

Antonio ortiz

He is talking the same bs like play russ to his strength

Enigma The Gray Man


matt martinez

Blah blah same thing he says week with the same results.
I bet we get blown this gMe

Bob McKey

This guy is doing heck of job so far. Too early to give him an extension.?

    Paul Velasquez


Robert Wartenbe

Coach looks like he been grinding Yee 😎

Jo NoSaY

Who is QB2? Can we put him in for 1 quarter, just for giggles?

Jeremiah Bainbridge

Over his head fr

ron garcia

A change at play calling needs to happen ,,or nothing will change…Let Clint Kubiak take over play calling 🙏


Dude needs to change his name to KJ Hammy

Andrew A

PS2 is absoultely unbelievable. best CB in the game imo.


We need to win this game

Can Man

If KJ doesn’t start eating his wheaties, he will be off the team in no time

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