Nagy on pausing Thursday’s football activities | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Daniel Harper

Pause your practice for the kids who have been killed this year in Chicago!!!

    Clint Jefferson

    As a Chicagoan, I hope this wasn’t a “what about the shooting in Chicago” statement.

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Clint Jefferson why not? what’s the problem with that? Honest question, I am trying to understand. is it like saying that all lives matter?


    @Jeremy Lueth I personally think it’s just one of those things like you don’t see most teams doing or saying anything “progressive”. You don’t really wanna stick out like a sore thumb or maybe they are truly on the side of evil. But the way I see it, they just never saw themselves as an active voice in the community, they are a sports team after all that’s not super commonplace these days, though its definitely trending in the right direction. I guess what I’m trying to say is at least we’re going in the right direction too. It just sucks to see them trying to speak out and just hearing basically “shoulda been earlier”. Good on the Bears for what they are doing and hopefully they will continue to move in the right direction.


Sports are a first place for people to see all races competeing as equals. What a better light in these times than football to shine in equality? The police state has tramatized everyone. The wealthy of all colors get a pass.
So some of the wealthest amongst us decide to take one of many many peoples only peace left(3 hrs on sunday) away…….well….I guess it won’t be long until we won’t even be able to tell the difference between a video game and reality anyhow.
Sad to see you all “fold like you are told”

    Jeremy Lueth

    well said sir. Its a sad day in America when even Football sides with communists against the most people in the country.

    And when everyone is perfectly capable of learning the details about these events, how are they so stupid? Were all the other woke companies that went broke not enough for them?

    honestly, I think that the referees have been cheating ever since the Ref strike. the replacements were the best we ever had. And now we have close games, and flags getting thrown on perfect special teams Gunners who force fumbles on punts that get called back because CHEATING.

    I am ready to boycott. Its not like the Bears offense is fun to watch anyway.

Michae Thomas

Nice, another capitulator. Don’t see enough of those lately

Monika Kaur

Very nice 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

Brandi Lewis

Nagy is officially in the hot seat. That defense cannot do it all. The first year of Nagy’s scheme was a giant step forward. The offense stopped evolving, and opponents had a year worth of tape for the second year. He needs to integrate plays in a new way that fits his players. I am not sure that he will be afforded another year of a mediocre offense. The turnover differential and the stellar defense only emphasizes how bad the coaching is upon a loss, or a series of losses. He needs to find his stride, and validate them hiring him over the other potential candidates. My two cents anyways.

    Jeremy Lueth

    you’re right of course, but i think maybe this offense is a tight end driven one, and since we got rid of the losers, we might at least see the return of 2019 passing game, and hopefully they can add some running, and with Foles here to replace an injured Trubs, he should be able to run more like in 2018 as well.

    we should be much better. unless they they all hide from the boogyman like Goldman did.

Anonymous Male

At the end of the day, you’re entertainers, and lately… professional sports is anything but entertaining. The NBA/NFL are about to find out how capitalism works, the hard way.

    Jeronimo Truth

    If I am kicked out of the Bar I go to, to watch, I am done with Football for the year. I will never wear a mask.

Larry Daniel

Mitch starts, he beat foles in 2018, Cody blew it with the double doink. And dont 4get foles aint played whole season ever. Mitch is franchise QB but ya need to let him scramble and COACH him. Bear down 20-21


This is our team, this is our city, if you don’t support it then we don’t need you. You can say what you will, but if you are a true fan and a true Chicagoian, then much <3. Anyone else that doesn't like the Bears, well we don't need you!

Paul Huxley

Nothing like having Nagy talking about the race situation interrupted by an underwear advert. Is there really a need to monetise these press conferences?

youngblak Wall Street

I’m glad the Chicago Bear’s condemned Brian urlacher comments on social media and I’m glad the Black players on the Beard team made there stand known I wish they stand with Colin Kaepernick coming back to the NFL I love this team and I hope and pray they win games and win NFC north division make the NFC top playoff spot fighting for racial equality and social justice is everyone responsibility we need to stick together powers and numbers

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