Nagy, Lazor self-scouting during Bye Week | Coaches Show Podcast | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Angel Pagan

Good man but I don’t think his the man to lead the BEARS!!!! Hope and wish him well in is nexts job!!!! “Let’s go BEARS JF1 2022”


FIRE NAGY AND FIRE PACEπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯✌✌✌✌✌

    Oliver Lacey

    Add Ted Phillips too!!!! How has he kept his job this long is baffling to me

    Thomas Gena

    @Oliver Lacey
    There are more than four billion reasons ($4.075 estimated value) and 38 years of service with the Chicago Bears.
    Don’t buy into the stupid grumblings regarding Ted Phillips.


GO BEARS!!! πŸˆπŸ»πŸ™Œ

Sid Fernandez

Get both RB’s on the field and deploy them either both in the backfield starting out for run plays or put one in motion. Create mismatches with your best personnel!!!

    Michael Survilla

    @Sid Fernandez Yup your right.
    The way I see it, the more play action and different players
    that defenses have to worry about, the more we spread out the D. I was preaching a couple
    of months ago about using the tight ends more, but Nagy wouldn’t do it. Now look, what the O with B Lazor is having success
    with. I just wish they would use Horsted more in pass formations,
    he’s a great pass catcher.
    Before, every game that Nagy ran
    Nobody was getting open because it was 3 Rs against 7 defenders and Justin was getting killed, because no one could get open and he was telling him to say in the pocket.
    Sid, I watch the tape never lies also. ALOT more informative than the other shows. Who are u rooting for as a coach, or / playcaller to take over ?

    Sid Fernandez

    @Michael Survilla I like the Bills OC. I want a coach that can make adjustments.

    Michael Survilla

    @Sid Fernandez I like Daboll also, but I also like Kellen Moore.
    It’s a great offense that both have
    built. I’m not sure if Bears management would go for a 30 some, year old coach, but he has done a great job.

    Sid Fernandez

    @Michael Survilla no, they will jack it up. Until they get rid of mckaskey and phillips too, they won’t get any better.

    Michael Survilla

    @Sid Fernandez Well we will never get rid of the Mc Caskys, because they own the team, but
    I think the time is coming, to install a Football mind and keep
    Ted in the business part of the job. I think George is smart enough to see that Justin is a Franchise Q B and we need support around him. I think the best plan is, that I wouldn’t be surprised to see happen is, If Pace goes to management and
    we get a new coach and a new G M. I think the tricky part is, do we want a O C promoted to coach and O C. Or do we want a Defensive coach, with an OC exclusively. ? The one thing I know
    we do need, is a great offensive mind.

isreal one two

Bear Down.


I dont think nagy is as bad as the media and fans make him out to be. He’s never had a good o line and qb at the same time

    Thomas Gena

    Cut it out!


    Sean Payton admits he wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for brees.

    Michael Survilla

    D Brees will be in the hall of fame.
    Do you really think Sean Peyton schemes plays as bad as Matt Nagy. Sean Peyton is a master
    of imagination, and he has killed
    Matt Nagy in the play offs.


    Same with 95% of the league… But go off

Arman Jafri

Sick and Tired of Matt Nagy …..
He is a Bad Coach
Win a Play-off Game !!!!!!!!

    Oliver Lacey

    He can’t, I will never forget him being the offensive coordinator that year K.C folded in the 2nd half to the Titans. Then th bears hired him? I don’t know what they saw

Michael Survilla

The Y is you never listen or adjust
to anybody. If Bill Lazor could really talk, you could just imagine
what he would say about the Nagy offense.
Look back to the Cleveland game, did you see Justin running around making plays ? NO, WHY ? We all know Justin can outrun any lineman, but Matt Nagy, mister pocket passer, kept telling Justin to stay in the pocket and he did, until it was to late. He was sacked
9 times and I’m surprised Nagy didn’t get him hurt in that game,
or was that his intention ?


Coaches show podcast is pretty useless concept. The way Paranoia is in the League no coach is every going to give you any type of a glance at even the reality of what they’re doing.


There’s literally 7,643,783 other things I’d do before listening to Nagy talk in circles for 30 minutes

Thomas Gena

Thanks, Ryan Pace — for making great NFL Draft Day 1, 2, and 3 selections

    Michael Survilla

    Don’t forget Herbert, Newsome and Graham either. Pretty damn good pics for 6th rounders.

    Thomas Gena

    @Michael Survilla
    I think those were “Day 3” selections — but you’re right I overlooked the UDFAs (Jesper, Bars, Mustipher, etc.) Thanks.

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