Myles Garrett: “We can battle with anybody in the NFL.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Rowan Linscott 2024



Saying it and Doing it are two different things.

Nate Blair

Good luck Sunday

Jim Hodge

Mary please go cover another team

    Paul Nicholas

    It’s painful isn’t it.

    “Hey Myles, if I tell you what to say about a specific player who I’ve read up about on bleacher report can you give me a 5 word answer, look embarrassed and then glaze over when I ask an even more inane follow up question?”

    Jim Hodge

    @Paul Nicholas Seriously i mean its just too much to hear her anymore,first lamar then the natti kid then Chase young,now dak.Nothing about the team she supposed to cover and its getting to be too much!

Leroy Xiong

It’s time for the Browns show time away home game

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