Myles Garrett Postgame Press Conference vs. Bills | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tony Ray

New defensive coordinator and rebuilt defense, all draft picks on defensive players.

    Andrew Holloway

    And special teams coordinator

    Joseph Pugliese

    We don’t have draft picks we gave them all away


    What draft picks?

Q Horton

I think Myles said it right the first time..low emphasis on takeaways in practice equates to none on gameday. It’s okay to be honest Myles

Brett Sadler

Don’t sweat it Myles. I just got done listening to Kevin. He said the other team is really good. He said they have great coaches and the other team is good. He also said the Bill’s were really, really good. All around good, good, good team. Lastly, he said they were really good, good, good. I think he likes your opponents better than he does his own team. 🙁

    Dave V

    Myles said the team is really good too. LMAO did you not hear him.

    Cassandra Thomas

    Wasting nick chubb myles garrett talent said going to waste

    Mark OH

    It’s “missed opportunities” according to coach. Then FIX IT! These guys are amazing players…

    Mark OH

    @Cassandra Thomas EXACTLY! I hate this feeling but we are gonna lose good players. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    abdul smith

    Lol 😆


What you waiting for Thanksgiving Christmas New Year’s when when that’s the key word when. You’re playing well you’re getting better you’re playing more as a team but it’s when you start realizing that all the skills that you learned as an NFL player today you were learned in your childhood coming up in football and you never ever stopped from tackling a quarterback because you’re wrestling around with the offensive lineman.

keith dodley

Can someone please explain why our D line walk down the field when the play has pass them. And other teams line are running down the field making plays??? Also when is Kevin going to STOP calling plays? He’s so out played!

    Jim Harris

    If he really cared about this team, he would of stopped calling plays last year and fired Joe Woods.

    Matt B

    Why does Kev need to stop calling plays? Beating a dead horse we are playing with a limited QB that’s doing enough for us to win games. Our defense can’t get TO’s and sacks to even help our offense out even a little bit. We can’t get interceptions when corners leave the WRS butt naked wide open. Yet you talking about calling plays


I appreciate Myle’s comments about, clearly, Joe Woods and his lack leadership:
1. We have goals during practice that we’re not meeting.
2. We need to capitalize on the talent while it’s in its prime and not lose that window.
3. The defense shouldn’t force the offense to score 30 pts a game.

Myles is sharp and he’s on a tear to get rid of Woods. It’s clear, and, quite frankly along with Stefanski, that the coaches have lost the locker room.


    1. Robot Kev sucks and lost the locker room since last year 2. Too late. Kev Ran off Baker OBJ and Jarvis about to run off Myles Hunt and Chubb 3. Robot Kev in charge of defense too btw

    tb123_9000 b

    @bamwa you sound like a baker bro 😂😂 keep crying

    Matt B

    @bamwa ran Baker out LMAO. I guess Steve Wilks is about to do the same to Baker. Baker ran OBJ out.


Bro, it’s not your fault it’s that damn coaching staff

    K A


Dave V

Two tackles and 1 sack is not MVP numbers. This team sucks Myles and it’s time to look in the mirror and ask yourself how TJ Wyatt keeps coming hard when you are inconsistent.

Andrew Phillips 🦅

Damn guys I was really rooting for y’all from Philly.

Skip Reed

Very hard to invest much time and passion into this “TEAM”

Larry Bedouin

RIP Johnny Tetrick … Cleveland fire fighter. He was a friend of mine through friendship with his father, who also served as Cleveland fire fighter.

Our prayers are with your family, leaving three daughters behind.

    K A


Browns 101

This one you didn’t slip away just like last week. You got out coached, out hustled, and out powered. No one likes this feeling, seems like all of you are ok with it. Love Garrett, chubb, Cooper. But there are guys that we should not have praised or even signed.

Robert Britton

Give him a Tackle 🏈🇺🇸

Nikko Plays Hockey

Sounds like he is trying to say coaching is failing them


Cleveland fans it’s time to send a message DO NOT ATTEND THE NEXT HOME GAME!! Let this team from top to bottom know we have had enough!! Let them play to a empty stadium the time has come WE DESERVE BETTER

    Mike seven 9 216

    You kn that’s not gonna happen 😂


Jim Brown today can run through this defense.


    With cement wheels

Love one another as I have loved you Jesus Christ

Unfortunately there won’t be no perfect season parade. We just missed it by 3 games shucks


You can see the Joy in his Face 7 games of this Shi# left

Joseph Kendall

Myles handles this well and as a leader should.

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