Myles Garrett Postgame Press Conference vs. Bengals | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Emanuel Gonzalez

Awesome having him back

Steve Yoerger

I felt horrible for him last yr. ….because I knew how bad HE felt.
Its sweet to get a chance to redeem yourself…and he’s doing it.
Great player. Great person..just don’t call him names…(especially if you’re a puss!)

Freddie Kitchens

Good job tonight Myles
I want you to know I’ve always been with the black pride matters movement
Good luck next week!

    Jay C

    Omg stfu freddie 🤣

    Nameless Faceless

    Whadup Fred!! Invest that money in Bitcoin and Ethereum, the only crypto that matters.

Tevin Prejean


Mel Bea

This set up was very poor.

Daniel West

Myles causing the strip fumble was Awesome!! 😀💪💪

Liberty Outdoor Adventures

Myles is a talented dude. But that Porter Gustin is the mean badass that this steam has been missing for years.

    Nameless Faceless

    Myles doesn’t have to be mean to produce. But Gustin is definitely a welcome addition.

    jauron daniels

    Yess Gustin a beast never seen him coming

Brian Rudo

You can see a huge difference when hes in ! Welcome back Myles !

Donnie Duncan

Go get em browns Miles great job

jauron daniels

Gustin is a sleeper on that defense in the interior he and Richardson had a strong good but Myles was dominant he’s jus a stud

    Stanley Marrero

    Gastin looked great!

    Lucas Nubert

    gustin looked good against the worst o-line but he is not that good. did u watch him when he played last year? really bad

Leroy Xiong

Myles got big smile head down he will be Pro bowl and most sacks this season

Danny Hughes

No questions about that HUGE goal line stand???

theGod black

Peace to all. Hope Clayborne is good. Man, just think, if we had Andrew Billings available to play. That line would be stat killers lol. Next man up

Jimbo Ritner

Stack these W’s big dog

Stanley Marrero

Gastin ( ?) was all over the place. Watch out for him. Nice move by Browns front office. I think he will be a great player.

Kevin John

Porter Gustin is what we expected Chad Thomas be. Dude blew up Burrow on that fumble play

tim phillips

Let’s not ask Myles questions about helmets coming off.. thanks

Jimmy Jones

It’s happened to Rudolph as well😂

Jp KpFrE

MYLES A BEAST! Chews up the field, disrupts offenses, makes QBs nervous. 20+ sacks this year MG

K Aguilera

The more I hear Myles talk..more I’m listening ..he’s got some real DAWG IN HIM 💯

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