Myles Garrett Postgame Press Conference vs. Bengals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bro it’s not your fault, it’s play calling and penalties killed yall

    Matthew Alexander

    Bengals D and Burrow in the clutch when needed as well, especially after a horrible start by him. Gotta give credit where it’s due.


    @Matthew Alexander yep

    aaron clay

    @Matthew Alexander yea but the game was zero zero and where it broke open was that drive dude ran into the kicker and the browns def gifted the bengals a free TD with all the penalties………thats a fact,

Lucas A Sampsel

Coaching and penalties killed this game!!

    Edward Gaines

    Joe Woods better be on the first thing smoking outta Cleveland, come January.

Skip Jackson

Need a new DC and someone else calling offense play. Hopefully it will be next year


Need a head coach. I feel bad for Myles and Nick Chubb.

    OnlyOne Zay

    I feel bad Chubb didn’t have an o line support today


    We tried to run in first half but can’t do anything with a 4string Center

    Brian Poe

    @Sly Not against an all word nose guard, Reader was incredible.

Michael Almonte

All i see is garrets and chubbs prime down the drain, just like players before them and the ones to come, sad af really

Billy Dixon

Little league coaching staff. Not gonna get fixed with those clowns in charge. Another wasted season

    K A


The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

The defense did a great job first half. Then Tony Fields changed everything with that penalty on the punter. After that defense couldn’t stop them on 3rd downs

    Tim Omalley



lol…browns back to being the real browns….aka armpit of the NFL

Tony Ray

All of a sudden the Browns can’t run the ball

Don Baddger

Browns fans have waited a long time to get a difference maker at the quarterback position. In time this feeling will be a distant memory come 2023 season. Stefanski has to change the defensive side of the ball to have a chance to win games next year, ST needs a new approach as well.

XST Media

I’m not worried. Watson is back and looking real good. Defense is good enough, which is why we gave up three #1 picks for Watson. Once Watson gets his groove on, I see a 4 game win streak coming!

    Brian Poe

    Watson looked better, but real good?

Brett Sadler

Myles, you are a great player. Get the heck out of there. Go somewhere where you can compete in the superbowl.


Defense and offensive line screwed us today.

Edward Gaines

Since the Browns are pretty much dead in the water, Stefanski and special teams should start doing *fake punts and field goals.* It seems to work for the Detroit Lions, so let’s see what the Browns can do!

Techdeath Hippie

We need a head coach that light a fire on our guys . We have guys . Coaching is wasting their talent

tommy estepp

Myles I’d ask for a trade if I was you. Get out while you can. This FarmTeam 101 never ends with Brown’s!!! NFL refuses to let them win. Simple as that

Tom George

Browns IT personnel.. PLEASE fix the audio in these press conferences!!!! Can barely hear the reporters questions!

Ernest Baddger

I’m wondering how in the hell you don’t beat Cincinnati and two of the top receivers aren’t even playing in the game so that leaves them with one,,, how come you didn’t double team this guy I mean do something put your grandmother out there to watch him too good Lord this is pathetic and it falls on the coaching staff every last one of them,,,,, if I was Nick Chubb or Myles Garrett, I’d ask to be traded,, because we’re not going anywhere with this coach and staff that’s Assembled Here,, I’m done watching another Browns game the rest of the year,,,, 💯


Really wish people would understand its not stefanski

Meg Chelednik

I believe you are the key Myles! Love your fighting attitude. Your intensity is contagious and we are all behind you guys!! Never Give Up…..
Browns 💪🏼 🤎🏈🧡

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