More is Better When it Comes to Jon Runyan | Rock Report – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

wanna be friends?

Eric S

Go blu lol

Uliz Brunch

Go blue

Big B

I love this guy!!

    Camren Lassiter

    Love your profile pic


How did we get him so late n the draft?

Jared Pica

Let’s see how he does though against grown men and not college kids, hopefully he does the same.

Cheeseater Holloway

I love this pick the 2bd most behind the Kamal Martin pick.

Dunkin Donut

More is better when it comes to wide recievers

aaron berhane

One of my favorite picks

John Wilson

Jon Runyan was excellent pick for us. Go Pack Go!

Tom Grossi

I think this was a great pick up by the Packers

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