Mitchell Trubisky: ‘We’re excited to kick off the season’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Angry BearsFan21


MightyDuckDemitrius 1

“Last Chance”

I Can't State an opinion on the Internet

Smiling mitch

*everyone liked that*

    Dutch Man

    His smile kinda cute tho😳

    Brandan Morris

    I bet Women at the Club try to Holler at Mitch

Angry BearsFan21

All Trubisky has to do is whoop the Lions and Giants for me to respect him. Of he fails me Imma delete my channel

    Dutch Man

    Tim Hill right he needs to be able to whoop an above average defense like the Saints then I’ll be sold

    Johnny savage Juicy J

    They for sure beat Tom Brady what’s there offense look like ??

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    @Johnny savage Juicy J they have a top ten Offense. Their line is top five. Brady will be fine and I’m not a fan of him. But got give credit where credit is due though. Wish The Bears were that smart. Nope they are dumb asf for the 34th straight yr

    Bboy B3000

    Wow if Mitch can play the Lions, Giants and all the other bad team’s he’d be Drew Brees 2.0 😂

silky johnson

I’m excited for the season but Mitch will be on a short leash, I hope it motivates him.


    @Midwest Krazy83 Turner We never gave Cutler an offensive line, like 8 different OCs and not enough weapons.

    silky johnson

    @David Shay Hopefully Foles sooner than later, he is the better QB!

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    @Aries HUH!!! Cutler had a line a couple of times and has had weapons. You can’t be talking about The Bears. I can remember when we had Marshall, Jeffrey, and Bennett and they got rid of them because they wanted to stay true to Cutler. Don’t worry they have none of this now! So a rebuild is coming

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    @David Shay I wish it was that easy. But having top 15 not good enough. Can’t be this bad at finding a QB and Offensive talent for 34yrs straight. Either they have no clue who to hire or they don’t care and just skim thru applications

Kaycee Gerhard

I’m proud to have him as our quarterback

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    Only a cult of fans are. No real football minded person or real dog in football would not be proud. And shouldn’t be proud, but everyone has their own mindset


    @Midwest Krazy83 Turner Or maybe we know players can improve and we don’t give up on anyone in blue and orange.


    I am not proud of him for “making great strides” in training camp during COVID. Fact is he has A LOT to prove this season.


Money Mitch Leading the way, Da Bears are Back!!! 🏆🐻⬇

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner



    Midwest Krazy83 Turner ight ima tell it to u straight bc ur being annoying rn. Had Mitch been below average during his career? yes. However being negative as a fan won’t change anything. Try to show a little optimism for what could happen this year. If you don’t like him and you’ll have a negative connotation of him coming into the year, just don’t watch.

    TTG 54

    Boat 🐻⬇️

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    @Boat LMAO. Dude he did nothing in college and you can’t pull up no tape. He couldn’t beat the Jr in college for the spot, he’s inconsistent and has no accuracy and can’t read a Defense. You think that is NFL ready 😂😂😂? If I’m so annoying then go on somewhere. Just because I’m not a blind sheep following the leader. Doesn’t mean i don’t like The Bears, it’s getting old that they haven’t won a SB in 34yrs and now if this is a bust then there will be a rebuild, guarantee that 1 bud✌🏿


    Midwest Krazy83 Turner u missed the entire point of my comment. I never said mitch was good i said he was BELOW AVERAGE but if you’re a true fan you’d have optimism and not just assume the worst, Bears had a top 10 defense (with injuries) and the offense has new weapons that hopefully can improve mitch as a player on the field. who knows what will happen but being pessimistic of the situation doesn’t change a thing.

ryan damon


big meech

Please just ball out and remove all doubt

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    NOPE! Same thing was said about Cutler. He’s just has a better attitude, same QB mechanics though

Scott Garrison

Go Mitch.. u got what it takes!

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    Where and when? He wasn’t good in college 😂. Where do ppl see anything and where did he do it at. And pls don’t say 2018!! Because before then, he wasn’t doing a damn thing!!

Donovon Washington

He messed up sometimes but he will do good 🐻👇🏾

Danny Ina Phantom

I want you to succeed, I want to win games.. if you can’t do that, we have a superbowl mvp in the shadows

al 6

Hope we have him rolling out this year

Shalah Rahim

Mitchell Trubisky totally Amazing player than Nick Foles plus is so boring and not really cool I’m just saying that’s Opinion

10k subs with no vids just cuz

Man hes a good guy, not a great QBs. Hope he proves everyone wrong.

Jesse B

We need a QB with a mentality like Fitz. “ I’m gunna go out there and play the best I possibly can not caring about the outcome. if I throw a pick or fumble that doesn’t matter, it’s done, on to the next play.” That has to be the mentality, but you can tell with Trubisky, if he makes a mistake it haunts him for the rest of the game. He cannot success like that period, as a QB you’re going to make mistakes but its what you do after that. You can talk all the talk you want but what really counts is when you’re down at halftime, like Pat in the Super Bowl, no matter what happened in the first half, can you rally the troops and succeed. You can work on your mechanics, you can gain arm strength, but can you overcome insecurities? It’s not about not screwing up, it’s about what you do after you screw up that defines who you are as a person

Michael Howard



If this is the last chance then go out the and sling it

Frank Zepeda

That’s it get 🔥up man, now get after it boy let’s going getem. Can’t wait for this season.!!! 🏈

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