Miscues and mishaps lead to lopsided Chiefs victory | Broncos Postgame Show – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


I'm just the weed man

I still have hope in Lock. But Fangio ain’t it. He’s a genius defensive coordinator, but HC isn’t his specialty. Pat schurmer is starting to piss me off too, its like its always a headache to just get a first down and were awful at scoring touchdowns

    J Shaffer

    @I’m just the weed man your just the weed man.

    Robert Presedo

    Shermer is not a lock guy or Lindsay gotta go…get Shanahan. He fixed plummer, cutler,grease for a bit, blister filling in for Elway

    Marcel Wills

    Dude lock is not good how many excuses are yall going to give him

    ralo Ramirez

    Lock ain’t dooky

    Rage Shot

    @Marcel Wills you probably never seen him play he has been our best QBwhen manning retired did good for his first season he was not doing that good against the chefs but at least he tryd


Bruh, Melvin is so overrated. Yeah got a TD but who cares. He fumbles all the time and I’ve never seen such an uncoordinated flea flicker before. And that second pick should be taken off Lock and go as a Hamler gift to the defense. But I didn’t expect Denver to win

    Jesse Mermella

    Melvin is one few bright spot dude ain’t lock bad

    Aidan Correia

    I agree with you on Melvin but that was totally Drew Locks fault for throwing the ball behind. Also it was the WR fault but he was only trying to make a play.

    J Shaffer

    Not really. You have to use him right. Can’t keep running him up the middle in the most predictable moments like he’s Walter Payton or Emmit Smith in their prime. He’s not that kind of back. Way to many carrys and when the game was out of reach the non starters should’ve been getting extra reps. Why risk hurting your starters when the games out of reach. If Sutton hadn’t of gotten hurt we’d have 2more wins right now (&Locks injury) this team is very young and I believe they have a great nucleus of good young players on offense.

    J Shaffer

    @Aidan Correia That flea flicker was Gordan’s fault. He tossed it like 4feet over Locks head,behind him. Play calling way to predictable. They could use Gordan and Lindsay in much better ways. They have 10 regular season games left and only have to play the Chiefs one more time . All they need is a wild card.

    Logan Balius

    @Aidan Correia that was a easy catch lock was pressured but any nfl starting receiver has to make that catch

Kent Borges



I’m over the Lock hype; snowing or not dude made bad reads throughout the game

    Luis Moreno

    Have you ever played football while it’s snowing? I think that you wouldn’t understand the feeling of playing football while it’s cold.

    Dabbing Dave719

    Na dudes from Missouri he should be use to it no excuses

    Jesse Mermella

    Lock development qb at best 3 Or 4year if anything I’m sure that’s what elway expected when he drafted lock

    J Shaffer

    @Jesse Mermella Look how many dropped balls there have been by receivers and TE’S!? He hasn’t even started a full season yet and these guys are young. Not to mention the fact this offensive line has been one of the worst in the league the last five years. I see flashes . Sutton was a huge loss.

    Jesse Mermella

    @j shafer every team deals
    With drops ,etc ..lock not getting better week to week his bad habit has appeared it’s aka pocket awareness ,bad fundamentals poor accuracy and that’s me
    Being nice


This guy LOCK has the rest of the season to show elway if he’s going to be the guy or not there’s a rookie in LA that’s lighting up the NFL and we have a QB who still for some reason can’t figure out the NFL no excuses when a rookie in the afc west division is playing the way he is …. win or lose the chargers can comfortably say they FOUND THEIR FRANCHISE QB something Denver hasn’t been able to do for 5 years what a joke

    J Shaffer

    @Dex MDude , loosing Sutton was huge. Would’ve opened up the entire offense.Lock hasn’t started a full season yet,lots of injuries on this team. Young offense.

    Marcel Wills

    @J Shaffer you can say the same about Herbert, Burrow and any other QB so stop with excuses.

    Marcel Wills

    @J Shaffer Even with Sutton out Lock still have more weapons than Herbert and Burrow and they are doing better than lock.

    Gorden Boccia

    Totally agree !!!
    No excuse !!!


    @J Shaffer you’re asking how many years We’ve watched the nfl haha bro give it up burrow and Herbert are both out playing lock at his position and they are ROOKIES lock had 5 games plus an offseason to prepare for this year and he’s playing worse than rookies coming into the league with NO EXPERIENCE IN THE NFL enough with the BS Lock is not developing into a prime QB at the moment as I side he has the rest of the season to put something together something on film for the organization to determine what needs to be done

Jesse Mermella

Miscues and mishaps why you guys calling out your bosses aka Broncos management 🤣😂

Anthony Boehmer

Can’t believe the defense played that good and we still got blown out

    ViB3ZZ Turkilla

    @Chief-KT I’ll hit u offline

    Rage Shot

    @Chief-KT how do you BEAT THE CHEFS THEN

    Bullet 44

    @Chief-KT Man y’all barely became good & still have less superbowls than us , chill…

    Tyler Preston

    You guys have a potent defense but your offense definitely needs a lot of work. Can’t wait to see you guys again in Arrowhead (hopefully another snow game).

    Don Armstrong

    Allowing 30 points is good? Broncos media and fans are really grasping at false hope.

colorado yehti

Sydney kinda looks like a young Heather Locklear


Tough to watch

David McGhee

the only good part was when rypien read the defense

Dex M

Drew is not the guy, he should have been benched. Just gonna let the QB stink it up and just leave him in there, Wow!!! No wonder why this team never gets better, don’t want to hurt his feelings, you just rather lose games.

pokaz pokaz

with that offensive potential is unacceptable that amount of stupid mistakes… I don’t know if Lock is the right QB for this team as well as the OC coach

Daniel Ballinger

Time to bring back Shanny!

Ryan Alexander Bloom

Lock and Gordon combined for 4 turnovers. It wasn’t “the offense” it was those 2 guys who choked. Lindsay was the whole offense in the first half… so KC tried to knock his head off and that was it for the run.

Adamo Marinelli

Its frustrating that the defense played so well, limiting the pass and the run against the Chiefs yet all the mistakes and TOs are what killed us

    Don Armstrong

    Yeah allowing 30 points is playing well in Denver I guess.


What pisses me off so much is the defense…ONCE AGAIN for the 100th time in the last 5 years pulls their weight while the offense is garbage!!! Melvin Gordan is Mr. Fumble and denver needs to draft a quarterback that can play right away. Tired of the “slow develop” crap when you have crappy offensive play calling. Drew lock is not looking good. He’s regressing not progressing.

Terry Smith


Mark Smith

Broncos were never in this game…. it was just a matter a time before Chiefs started rolling

Nick Cervantez

The broncos scored TDs for the chiefs

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