Mike McDaniel Media Availability | Miami Dolphins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brian Wilner

Unfortunately, this press conference tells us Tua’s future.


    @Dennis Laber you must’ve forgot it all then. Go watch a professional break his game down to you and maybe it’ll refresh your memory


    Tua will retire.

    Chosen one

    Concussion aftershocks since the Texans game. Tua is done for the year. Hopefully McDaniel does the right thing and sit him down the rest of the season. Dont make the sh!t storm worse . Season is over regardless.

    Free State of Florida

    @Dennis Laber He is an average QB who benefited from playing with elite athletes at Alabama. Had he gone to USC like he wanted to originally, nobody would know who he is.

    Free State of Florida

    @Lebowski Dennis is correct! Lebowski, Tua isn’t anything special. The book is out on him and unfortunately, Tua does not possess the physical abilities to make plays off-script. Don’t be a “fan!” Be objective about our squad. You sound like all of the fans that loved Ryan Tannehill.

Dr. X

It’s ironic when they were winning Tua was greaaat! Love Tua, but it seems like he’s just glad the games are over.🤷🏽‍♂️


Guys somebody’s health is no joke. I hope he’s okay 🙏


    i fully agree but this head coach is going to severely damage his players to try to get to the playoffs


The Miami Dolphins are the most penalized team in the NFL with 121 total flags!!!

    Ariel Rodriguez

    You can thank the refs for that! There are penalties on both sides of the field in almost every play and it’s up to the refs to call them. “Surprisingly” they always tend to see the Dolphins penalties …go figure!

    LaForrest Roxbury

    I agree.The refers have it out for us! Especially when we get the moment. They throw a flag on the fins on some BS.

    Zach Turk

    illegal shift, illegal mandown field all the time

Luke Schultz

Why did they not challenge the Mercedes Lewis catch? Cmon man.. everybody saw that after one look. GB didn’t even hurry up and snap it. Needed to challenge that. Things like that can be the difference in the game.


    It was the difference in the game they scored off that drive.

    Will Pounder

    Excuses, Miami sucks plain and simple

    LaForrest Roxbury

    Shut it ! William. You are not on the field, playing. You are a spectator!

    LaForrest Roxbury

    Yep! Mike has to know when to throw the flag. He has a lot to learn.

    Chosen one

    Rookie coach mistakes. But the issue is Tua concussion will McDaniel do the right thing and sit Tua out for the rest of the season?

Teresa Gutierrez

Prayers for my Quarterback 🧡🐬🆙️

Bo H

😞 as much as I love to see Tua playing, I hope he retires and contributes in other ways for the sake of his health and family.


It all makes sense now, the play where he was concussed happened before he threw a single pick, hoping my QB recovers soom

    Juan Nungaray

    He’s got all you idiots fooled 🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣

    Chosen one

    Tua been having them aftershocks since the Texans game as I knew. Tua has to sit to the rest of the season, season over regardless. Will McDaniel do the right thing or be selfish?


    @Chosen oneI’m a hardcore Dolphins fan for 40+years and I want them to win more than anyone, but Tua the person is way more important than Tua the QB. His family is more important than the Dolphins or the playoffs. He has to be done for the season.


    Nah he just made bad decisions, green back did what everybody since the 49ers have been doing. Make Tua think too much and force him into throwing picks

Arthur Hinton

I know we needed to win this weekend but the fact that Tua is under concussion protocol could explain the interceptions? He may not play football again because of his injury, so I wish him all the best, we have a lot of problems over here in rugby union as regards concussion and players retire because of it! Stay positive for the Pat’s game, merry Xmas to all Phins fans from here in England, Go Phins.

    Pixel QB

    I love Tua but should he put his life at risk if he is susceptible to head injuries


    He’s gonna play again .

    Tr3 M.C.

    @Skickrickdog Yes of course he will. And next year he’ll be even better. He’s already silenced the skeptics.

    Michael W

    He should sit the year and come back with a better o line. Qb’s don’t get anywhere the amount of head trauma as HB’s, line, etc. shame he wasn’t sitting for season earlier tho.

    Chosen one

    Man Tua being concussed with After shocks since the Texans game. Will McDaniel do the right thing or be selfish? No way Tua can start the rest of the season

Richard Keys

Why does nobody question McDaniel on his play calling and getting them in on time?

    Chosen one

    @Flavorful He has no choice but to go to a heavy run game and check down game now. No way Tua can’t start to rest of the year. suicide.


    Yeah the play calls have not got into the huddle quick enough all year always attributed this to it being his first year as head coach

    gavriil nick

    i wonder if he will learn from all the game tape…!!!!????

    Colm O'Driscoll

    Stubborn rookie head coach will do that to you.

    Free State of Florida

    The guy’s play-calling is awful. His situational football awareness is terrible. RUN THE DANG BALL!!!!


Let’s pump the brakes on retirement talk. Back of the head banging off the ground will concuss most ppl. Now are 3 in a season bad? Absolutely. But let the professionals deal with all that.

Also I thought 2 of the interceptions looked uncharacteristically bad. So a concussion would explain that.

John Gordon

Tua was amazing vs Buffalo. He was great in the first half. Teams, Oline penalties, a D that does not contest enough plays and allows long drives, and now we discover he was hurt? Sluggish Slow to react Coaching not really on top of things. FINZ UP

Eric Silberstein

I’d rather take an 8-9, than something happen to Tua. We saw what he could do when he was healthy and he should be proud. However, football is not life. Give him our best.


    8-9 and he will likely need to retire.


    @C5vette73 he will retire

    Chosen one

    Concussion aftershocks since the Texans game. Tua is done for the year. Hopefully McDaniel does the right thing and sit him down the rest of the season. Dont make the sh!t storm worse . One more season for Tua is the max, do to salary cap and no draft picks. Season is over regardless.

Corey P.

The sad part there’s so called fans that have chalked this up toTua giving up. The man has a family now, and this is his third concussion this year. I’m sure he went in through encouragement and support from his family. The person matters more than the game. I wish him well.

    Corey P.

    @Jason Meyers had to be the most lame bs I’ve heard. These punks don’t deserve anything good. Trash

    Jason Meyers

    @Corey P. yeah I agree bro.. I’m tired of all these phony fans.. they’re mostly bunch of Twitter sissies saying they’re tired of this trash franchise… lol I’m 40 and have been thru the most pathetic of dolphins seasons and even tho we haven’t been playing well lately. The attitude and direction of this team is encouraging… I’m a die hard fan as much as they piss me off and let me down..i bleed aqua and orange..with the core players we have and the effort they play with every game shows me how much better we really are from what we used to be and we have the right coach and leadership on this team not only for this year but for years to come. this isn’t the same old dolphins even tho it feels like it lately ..these phony fans go to Twitter or whatever they go on and can’t take it when other fans make fun of us and Tua.. they have no balls or thick skin to realize they’re a bunch of nobody’s.. they expect our qb to be perfect or he’s a bum but were dik ride Tua and calling him MVP him when he was ballin out..I see the comments from months ago and everyone was going back and forth.. all these fans were pumping this team up but after some adversity they switch up quick.. we know who the real ones are..u sound like you’re real so I’m expecting ur a ride or die like me.. tough times don’t last.. tough people do.. and as much as it sucks rn.. we’ll be better because of it.. and I know we’ve said this before but again I’ve seen past dolphins teams and they give up on their coaches or get blown out in big games.. we haven’t done any of that this year.. this isn’t that kinda team and I expect them to get this ship righted.. phins up bro!

    Corey P.

    @jasonmeyers5327  I’m not going anywhere. 47 years young. I’ve been watching this team since I was 7 and wouldn’t know how to back another squad. I grew up blocks from the stadium, and I’ll never forget the feeling of a superbowl appearance… both times. The sheer joy and excitement in the city was crazy. I want that for the city, for the fanbase as a whole. Tua wasn’t my pick in the draft, but ever since he’s put on a dolphin uniform, I’ve been riding with him. I’ve wanted success for him even more now than ever because of the adversity, doubt, health setbacks, and the guys that hate him for whatever reason. However, when it comes to health, I am no expert, but I understand what these concussions could potentially mean. Fins up, my guy.

    Darren Lee

    Tua should retire move back too and open a restaurant in Hawaii. His body is not meant for the NFL. He’s too fragile.

    Chosen one

    Concussion aftershocks since the Texans game. Tua is done for the year. Hopefully McDaniel does the right thing and sit him down the rest of the season. Dont make the sh!t storm worse . Season is over regardless.

Larry Meyer

My prayers go out to Tua to Feel better!! I know you all as a team can get through this despite the circumstances!! You all are very talented!!!!! And get through this advirsity!!!!!! Go Fins!!!!!

Mac N Cheekss

I just now realized Tua was going off in the first half then out of no where he throws 3 interceptions and scores no points in the second half, that’s unlike his last three games this one definitely seemed concussion based.

    Chosen one

    Concussion aftershocks since the Texans game. Tua is done for the year. Hopefully McDaniel does the right thing and sit him down the rest of the season. Dont make the sh!t storm worse . Season is over regardless.


How can that be a concussion? He wasn’t losing his balance when he got up. Something smells fishy 🤔 maybe they don’t want him to play at New England cause he might throw 5 picks. Maybe that last interception was him trying to force the ball to Mike Gesicki who’s always telling him to throw it at him. And he knew he should have taken the underneath throw to Hill who was open for a short gain..Anyways if Tua is gonna get a concussion from a fall like that he has no business playing in the NFL..should be playing flag football in a league at a park ..and Herbert is Rivers 2..0..so he’s not a winner just a stats guy.

Jacob Florentino

I hope Tua gets well truly, but it’s funny to think some of y’all actually believed they would win the division


The sound is now so good we can here the reporters typing. This is awesome. What a difference! Great job, team.

Jacqueline Villalobos

Coach is doing the best he can Tua is doing his best go phins I love you

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