Mike McCarthy: Make Sure We Listen & Understand | Cowboys Camp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Mike McCarthy: Make Sure We Listen & Understand | Cowboys Camp

Head coach Mike McCarthy updates the media following meetings with his players to discuss how they were effected following recent acts of social injustice in our country and their plans moving forward.
Presented by American Airlines #CowboysCamp

#DallasCowboys #CowboysNation #NFL

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GMG 254


    Phantom Knight


    Frye Daddy


Armando Ramos

The music was too long and irritating.

    Sergio Contreras

    They love that song, I hate it 🙁


    Hah ‘that song’
    Drives me nuts, especially when they let it run forever waiting and dont do the proper cuts before loading it up.

    Sergio Contreras

    @Calebgz07 even some cheap elevator music would be better

    Armando Ramos

    @Calebgz07 it’s eight minutes long. Damn!

Armando Ramos

It was right minutes long. Damn!!

    Armando Ramos

    8 minutes long.

Primus Inter Pares -

I wonder how much time the Cowboys adminstration and players spend off camera being such activist? I bet you if they spent 1 day a week maybe a their day off dedicated to this movement there would be much more progress! But to force it down peoples throats during a football press conference is just plain stupid. At this rate the only support for the Dallas Cowboys are gonna be BLM – BURN LOOT MURDER.

    Primus Inter Pares -

    @Jim Mears Imagine a Libtard that was capable of thinking with their mind and not their skin color!! You dont even know all the facts surrounding that shooting. Looks like the police took the same stance your taking right now. Shoot first ask questions later! Grow up Troll!

Willie Edwards

How many people notice that Jerry Jones hasn’t been in the camera that much #Change

    Odair Fontes


    Jim Mears

    How many people noticed there’s a pandemic going on? The news media isn’t hanging out at the Star constantly.


    I know it’s great 👌🏽

    Family Man

    Hahah nothing to do with pandemic .. jerry was talking recently how open his stadium is and how much airflow there is Lmao.

    I’ve noticed his absence and so have his players. He is all business unfortunately. That won’t change, sadly. Values in the wrong order.

    Go boys.

Odair Fontes

We have a great coach over here. LET’S go Dallas cowboys for life. 💯💯💯

    Christopher Devealt

    Right on I concur with you on that

    Jim Mears

    I’m good with let’s beat the Rams.

Michael Walker

starts at 8:45

DICK gregory

I am a black male. The Dallas Cowboys have been my team since day 1. Im 38 yrs of age. With the world’s temp in 2020, both Jerry Jones and Stephen Jones is making it VERY HARD to maintain my love for the STAR. Its hard to root for someone that’s not empathetic to the HARSH reality when it comes to African Americans. Its crazy and unfair. Truthfully my love is beginning to be WATERED DOWN.

    Baldo Salazar

    Telli Kimble do you want Jerry to break down and cry because criminals and police have shoot outs let’s stick to football no one cares what they think about anything

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Baldo Salazar Here’s a thought obey the law and you won’t get shot when you’re threatening a police officer

    J Money

    Same here brother. I went from a passionate fan to just a fan. That statement the Ravens released was very classy and impressive.

louis tijerina

Glad to see Sports is still political. Wake me up 11.4 2020 when this is over

Jeremiah Frerichs

Where is the football talk.


If anybody kneels i will not watch !

    Ash Bailey

    I agree beleave me they r going to kneel and I hope nobody watches

    Ross Adkins


    Ross Adkins

    Ash Bailey ill watch. Millions will too

rick mitchell

Hey pro-athletes, learn to code.

Felix Lopez

this is a great coach jerry jones needs to stay in his yacht ????

windell penton

Actual football talk is at 21:00.
Jeez ..

Ash Bailey

When your a law breaker and had crimes with a gun and u don’t obey a cop when he is telling u to do something u need to do it if u look like u might b reaching for a gun u r going to get shot and it’s nobody’s fault but your own u should not b robing pregnant women with a gun

    Khalil Young

    There was a white dude walking towards officers with a knife and they didn’t shoot him, explain that


I love our coach such a night and day difference Go Cowboys

Dana Brinkmeier

The audio quality still stinks after many weeks of conferences and interviews ?….I tune in for sports info and now see that all prof. sports has turned into political pundancy. Sports helps us escape from the cares and stresses of our world , which has become near unbearable and now we find that sports venues will not let us escape and are used as political footballs to advance social positions. I will be able to find many other things to do on my sundays if this is an indication of what we are going to see on gameday and practices.. I know of many other fans who will turn this off and move on to other venues of entertainment rather than be bombarded with social justice pandering from every possible source of media and entertainment. NO THANKS ! db

Roy Zeus

Wow. I’m really beginning to like this guy. He is definitely saying all the right things. I’m looking forward to seeing it materialize on the field.

Trezure Pender


Don Taylor

Mike looks like he’s about to blow his top. He’s here to WIN FOOTBALL GAMES, not to deal with this crap….Stoopid Question after stoopid question…

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